The Roslin Institute
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The Roslin Institute aims to achieve sustainable agriculture, control diseases and enhance health through pioneering animal bioscience

Collage off images including: A person studying some scientific samples in petri dishes, image of ESC transfected with membrane target GFP, a chick on top of some eggs, a close up image of a sheep's face, hands holding seeds, close up of a person holding a chick, and a cow in a group of cows looking at the camera

To do this we: 

  • Conduct world-class research that delivers to national and global strategic needs
  • Deliver societal and economic impact by translating our discoveries
  • Nurture world-class researchers, technical specialists, professional services and entrepreneurs
  •  Act as a collaborative hub by sharing our infrastructure, expertise and resources
  • Engage stakeholders and advocate for our sector
  •  Act as a beacon of best practice in research culture and integrity

Examples of research 

Roslin agriculture and aquaculture sector impacts 

Roslin blog 

Research Focus 

Roslin Covid-19 research