The Roslin Institute
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The Roslin Institute provides unique facilities for its researchers. External organisations can also benefit from these.


Bioinformatics single cell analysis image
The Roslin Bioinformatics Team supports bioinformatics activites across the Institute.

Bioimaging and Flow Cytometry

High-end microscopy, cell sorting and flow cytometry equipment.

Centre for Comparative Pathology

A collaborative centre focusing on the study of human and animal disease mechanisms.

Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre

Get hands-on with real-life science in our purpose-built engagement laboratory, offering activities for school pupils, teachers and community groups.

Edinburgh Genomics

Edinburgh Genomics logo
The largest academic DNA sequencing facility by output in the UK.

Genomics Platform

DNA strands
The Genomics Platform is able to provide the production of single-cell-RNA-seq & single-nuclei-RNA-seq library preparations using two different approaches, providing researchers the ability to choose the method most suited to their experiments.

Large Animal Research and Imaging Facility

Large Animal Imaging and Research Facility building exterior
The LARIF allows users to benefit from a wide range of expertise in farm animal production, health and welfare - including infectious diseases and zoonoses, vaccines, genetics and genome editing, imaging, radiology, medicine, surgery and critical care.

National Avian Research Facility

As part of The Roslin Institute, the NARF provides resources, collaborative expertise and advice for avian biology research, including genome engineering technologies, immunology, host-pathogen interactions, poultry welfare, physiology and behaviour, developmental biology and genetics. Our mission is to improve the health and welfare of poultry, to benefit global food security and human health.

Proteomics and Metabolomics Facility

Proteomics and Metabolomics Facility
A range of ultra-sensitive mass spectrometry based methods to advance proteomic and metabolomic analyses.

Research Aquaria

Young Pacific whiteleg shrimp are kept in submerged pots before being transferred to larger aquariums as larger juveniles.
Our aquaria are suitable for experiments in aquaculture species in freshwater.