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A-Z list of Roslin staff

Staff List

Name (sorted in ascending order) Role Research Interests
Chandrindu Abeykoon PHD Student
Mohamed AboelEla
Professor Ian Adams Chair position in Reproductive Biotechnologies
Louise Adamson Research Technician, Primary Cell Culture
Ayotunde Adebambo
Damilola Ajoke Adebambo
Saif Agha Research Fellow

I hold a PhD in animal breeding and genetics since 2011. I have experience and interest in a broad range of activities related to the selective breeding and genetic improvement of performance, health and welfare of aquaculture species and livestock animals. My research interests include analyzing phenotypic and genomic data of different animal species (Fish, Pigs, Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat, and Rabbits), using Bayesian and Frequentist statistics; beside working in molecular genetics laboratories. 

My current research activities encompass the integration of social network analysis, quantitative genetics, and machine/deep learning to improve animal performance, welfare, and health. 

Anum Ali Ahmad Core Scientist in Microbiota Analysis
Akira Alexander Core Scientist
Mark Alexander Senior Stockman/Technician
Omar Alfituri Research Fellow
Hazem Alkhaldi Laboratory Technician
Kirsten Altenbach Research Technician
Joana Alves Research Fellow
Dr Neil Anderson Lecturer

My research interests are currently focussed on the epidemiology and ecology of trypanosomiasis in sub-Saharan Africa and the health of wild raptor populations in Scotland.

Professor Alan Archibald Personal Chair of Mammalian Molecular Genetics

Understanding the genetic control of complex traits, including responses to infectious disease, in farmed animals, primarily pigs and cattle.

Characterization of the genomes of Suina species, including domestic pigs (Sus scrofa), Common warthog (Phacochoerus africanus), Red River Hog (Potamochoerus porcus), Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) and Collared Peccary (Pecari tajacu).

Mrs Liz Archibald Postgraduate Research Student Administrator
Professor Kenneth Baillie Professor of Experimental Medicine

Translational genomics in critical care medicine.

Dr Daniel Balaz Research Fellow
Aimee Banks Laboratory Assistant
Dr Chris Banks Core Scientist (Research Fellow)
Professor Georgios Banos UoE Honorary staff

Animal breeding, genomics and computational biology.

Caron Barker Lab Sequencing Technologist
Alice Barrier Business Development Manager
Ella Bartlett
James Baxter Core Scientist
Joel Bazira
Dr Tim Bean Research Fellow

The Roslin Institue shellfish team use molecular biology techniques to study bivalve molluscs, including fundamental aspects of bivalve biology, aquaculture, ecotoxicology and genetics which have direct industry and policy relevance. 

Pip Beard Senior Lecturer and Principal Investigator

The aim of my research is to understand the interactions between large DNA viruses and their host, and translate this knowledge into clinical outcomes. My research team focuses on the three capripoxvirus species (lumpy skin disease virus, sheeppox virus and goatpox virus) which each cause severe disease in livestock in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. 

In addition to my research I am the OIE laboratory expert for capripoxviruses at the Pirbright Institute and provide advice to international agencies on the control of these viruses. I lead the European Commission funded project DEFEND which is tackling the emergence of African swine fever and lumpy skin disease in Europe in partnership with 31 other consortium members including industry partners ID-VET and Zoetis. (EU H2020 research programme 773701).

Andrew Bease Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Katie Beckmann Lecturer in Wildlife Health & Conservation Medicine
Val Bell Departmental Assistant
Professor Gurå Therese Bergkvist Director Student Recruitment and Admissions & Professor of Veterinary Anatomy

My research interests are in molecular pathways that become dysregulated in cancer and dysregulation of osteoclasts in bone. I have a particluar interest in oral tumours in cats, and how they invade the bone of the mandible as well as feline tooth resorption. Osteoclasts are my favourite cell, so anything related to osteoclasts and I am interested!


Cammy Beyts Research Fellow

I am a behavioural ecologist interested in within species variation in individual behaviour.  I use a combination of sensor technology, experimental design and statistical techniques to answer questions about how an individual’s environment and past experiences can influence variability, both within themselves and amongst each other as well as at a group level.

During my PhD, I used amphibian tadpoles as model organism to understand the how individual variation in behaviour is influenced by environmental factors such as competition, food availability and human disturbance. 

My post-doctoral research is on the behaviour of commercially bred Pekin ducks.  I use multiple sources of environmental, sensor, genomic and phenotypes collected on individual ducks to improve both understanding of individuals and flock performance.

Dr Youngjune Bhak Fellow in Quantitative Genetics and Genomics

Aging and its' symptoms (diseases).

Suman Bhowmick Research Fellow EIDD Modelling
Mrs Valerie Bishop Core Scientist (Research Fellow)
Dr Thalia Blacking Senior Lecturer in Applied Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology
Rose Blake Research Fellow
Marcel Blank
Prof Karen Blissitt Personal Chair of Equine Cardiology and Anaesthesia

Equine cardiology: sudden cardiac death, 4D echocardiography, mitral and aortic valve function.  General Anaesthesia: haemodynamic effects of anaesthesia in horses. Factors affecting recovery quality in horses, perioperative mortality.

Gordon Bloomer Storeperson
Dr Barry Bradford Core Scientist (Research Fellow)

Prion diseases are prototypical protein-misfolding neurodegenerative disorders. Using this model we study how protein-misfolding within the brain results in activation of the supporting glia cells, impacts upon brain function and ultimately leads to loss of the connections (synapses) and death of brain cells (neurons). The goal of my research is to understand how this happens and how other infections and activation of the immune system may influence neurodegeneration. the ultimate goal of my research is to identify potential therapeutic treatments for these currently untreatable conditions.

Georgina Bradley Research Assistant
Fiona Brain Animal Technician (Poultry)
Professor Mark Bronsvoort Personal Chair of Veterinary Epidemiology

I currently have a broad portfolio of interests including the epidemiology of foot-and-mouth disease and bovine tuberculosis and using molecular tools to understand transmission and spread at different scales in LMICs.  

Mr Alex Brown Core Scientist (Research Fellow)
Dr Helen Brown Core Scientist (Statisician)

To date my main research interest has been in mixed (or multilevel) models. These involve identifying and accounting for sources of variation and correlation structures in the data and offer potential advantages over conventional modelling methods including: improved efficiency, more appropriate variances and correlations, wider inference and offer the potential to overcome problems caused by missing data.

At The Roslin Institute my research will involve providing the statistical contribution to collaborative scientific research using a range of methods and developing novel statistical approaches to particular problems arising where appropriate. I expect to develop my research in mixed models further in addressing applications arising within the Institute.

Dr Sarah Brown Senior Research Fellow (Core Scientist)
  • Animal behaviour and welfare
  • Experience of positive affect in animals
  • 'Happy-Healthy' - how positive experiences affect mental and physical health
  • Role of neuroinflammation in animal health and welfare
  • Human-animal interactions - in particular empathy and animal training techniques
Mrs Sharon Brown Named Veterinary Surgeon
Dr Karen Bryson Research Fellow

T cell responses in infection and neurodegeneration.

Charlotte Bulkeley UG Student
Dr Tom Burdon Group Leader/Senior Research Fellow

Regulation of growth and differentiation of embryo derived stem cells.

Miss Liz Burrough Research Associate - Dairy Herd Health and Productivity Service
Oriol Canela Xandri RCUK Innovation/ Rutherford Fund Fellowships

Developing methods for understanding how genes are related to the development of different traits.

Ms Ailsa Carlisle Easter Bush Campus Operations and Services
Paz Carril Leiva PHD visiting student
Mr Timothe Cezard Lead Informatician
Mizeck Chagunda Director of the Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health (CTLGH)
Annita Chalka Post-doctoral Research Associate
Antonia Chalka PhD Candidate
Ambre Chapuis Core Scientist (Research Fellow)
Vlad Cherman Data Analyst Programmer
Jing Qi Chong
Jing Qi Chong Research Assistant in Livestock Epigenomics and Bioinformatics
Hou Wei Chook
Dr Tushar Choudhary Research Fellow
Craig Christie Post-doctoral Researcher in Vector and vector borne disease biology
Dr Emily Clark Reader/Research Group Leader

My main research interests focus on transcriptomics and genomics in farmed animals in both temperate and tropical regions. I am particularly interested in functional annotation of farmed animal genomes and the transcriptional control of complex traits in small ruminants.

Dr Thomas Clark Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Core Scientist in Aquaculture Genetics)




Professor Dylan Clements Professor of Small Animal Orthopaedics, Academic Head of Companion Animal Science, Deputy Head of School
  • Veterinary clinical orthopaedics
  • Veterinary surgical education
  • The epidemiology of health aging in dog populations
  • The genetic basis and functional aspects of osteoarthritis.
Dr Sara Clohisey Core Scientist (Research Fellow)
Prof Eddie Clutton Personal Chair of Veterinary Anaesthesiology
Dr David Collie Group Leader/Reader

Pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying lung disease.

Dr Tim Connelley Roslin Research Fellow
Maria Contreras garcia
Maria Contreras Garcia Postdoctoral Scientist
Dr Alexander Corbishley Senior Lecturer in Farm Animal Practice
  • Clinical farm animal veterinary medicine

  • Population health and metabolic status

  • Immunology and vaccinology

  • Zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance  

Prof Brendan Corcoran Personal Chair of Veterinary Cardiopulmonary Medicine

Mitral valve disease in dogs, tissue engineered solutions to sourcing valve tissue for research.

Lisa Cormack Administrative Assistant
Ricardo Corona Torres Research Fellow
Chloe Craig
Lucy Cui lin Research Fellow
Dr Geoff Culshaw Head of Cardiology Service, Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Cardiology
  • The relationship between renal handling of salt in early diabetes mellitus and regulation of blood pressure
  • Molecular mechanisms in canine myxomatous mitral valve disease
  • Inheritance and genetics of cardiac accessory pathways in UK Labrador retrievers
  • Endothelial dysfunction in dogs in naturally occurring risk factors for metabolic syndrome
Olivia Curry
Elena Dall'Agnese Research Assistant
Carola Daniel Residency in Equine Diagnostic Imaging
Dr Megan Davey Group Leader

Our current projects include:

  • The embryological origin of radial aplasia
  • Fate mapping the limb bud and the control of co-ordinated development of limb anatomy
  • Developing novel avian transgenic tools for developmental biology
  • The evolution of limb pattern in birds
  • The function of TALPID3
Alyssa Davidson Poultry Technician - Modern Apprentice
Dr Jorge Del-Pozo Personal Chair in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology

My main research interest is to improve the understanding of infectious fish disease pathogenesis and resistance, and research in pathology morphometric approaches. I also provide pathology input on a range of collaborative research projects (e.g. squirrel leprosy, canine mast cell tumour metastasis, pulmonary hypertension models, radiation induced lung injury models, and surgical approaches to canine liver biopsy sampling).

Pooran Dewari Postdoctoral Researcher (Core Scientist)
Dr Abigail Diack Research Operations Manager

Human and animal prion disease pathogenesis and strain characterisation.

Professor Paul Digard Chair of Virology

Replication and pathogenesis of influenza viruses.

Professor Appolinaire Djikeng Director - Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health
  • Livestock comparative genomics, functional genomics and metagenomics.
  • Tropical livestock adaptation, resilience and productivity
  • Tropical agriculture and sustainable development
Mariana Dobrodenkova
Professor Andrea Wilson Personal Chair

The Doeschl-Wilson group investigates how the genetics of individuals affects the spread of infectious disease, both within an animal and between animals. We are an interdisciplinary group of scientists aiming to effectively combine field and laboratory experiments with mathematical modelling and quantitative genetics theory, with the ultimate aim to improve livestock health and resilience.  

Prof. Xavier Donadeu Personal Chair

I lead a research group working in the areas of Stem Cell biology and Reproductive Biology in large animal species. We are interested in these species both from a veterinary perspective and as disease models.  Work in my laboratory spans from hypothesis-led studies to understand basic cell, organ and whole animal biology and physiology, all the way through to translational studies with industry to develop novel molecular diagnostics and cell-based tools to address specific key challenges faced by the livestock (cattle and pigs) industry and companion animal sectors, in addition to applications for cellular agriculture. My laboratory is best known for pioneering work on 1) the use of miRNAs as novel diagnostic biomarkers for cattle, and 2) the characterization and application of stem cells (iPSCs and MSCs) in farm species (horse, cattle, pigs). 

Dr Inga Dry Core Scientist (Research Fellow)
Donald Dunbar
Neil Duncan Research Technician
Dr Ian Dunn Professor

Using the genetics and physiology of avian reproduction allows us to develop strategies utilising traditional or marker assisted selection to tackle problems as diverse as osteoporosis in laying hens, growth and reproduction in meat type birds, antimicrobial activity of egg white and shell quality in laying hens.

Ms Samantha Eaton Core Scientist (Research Felow)
Afnan El Gayar Core Scientist in Quantitative Epidemiology
Dr Cathlene Eland Lead Sequencing Technologist
Dr Lel Eory Bioinformatician
Arantza Esnal-Zufiaurre Bio-Imaging & Flow Cytometry Technician
Dr Cristina Esteves Senior Research Fellow

Research projects:

- Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal cells (MSCs) as novel tools for combating antimicrobial resistance in companion animals (horses and dogs) and livestock (cattle)

- Developing novel stem cell approaches towards next-generation regenerative therapies

- Involvement of Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal cells in Mycobacterium infection

- Exploiting stem cell and gene editing technologies towards discovery of genetic variants important for muscle development and meat production

- Isolation and characterisation of myogenic precursor cells in pigs: towards development of an in vitro model for the study of muscle growth


Caitlin Evans
Shiona Ewart Laboratory Assistant
Dr Amy Findlay Postdoctoral Research Associate
Andressa Fisch Vector and Vector Borne Disease Biology Researcher
Professor Ross Fitzgerald Personal Chair of Molecular Bacteriology

Use of genomic and molecular tools to examine the evolution and pathogenesis of clinically important species of Staphylococci and Legionella


Dr Stephen Fitzgerald Research Fellow
Dr Jenny Fraser Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Biomedical Sciences

I am interested in the molecular pathways activated as cells adapt to various forms of stress and how these become dysregulated in disease.

Clemence Fraslin Research Fellow - Aquaculture Breeding
Dr. Juliane Friedrich Core Scientist (Research Fellow)
James Furniss Research Associate
Bernadette Gallagher Research Nurse
Professor David Gally Personal Chair of Microbial Genetics

Our research has been to understand how E. coli causes disease, and then based on that knowledge develop interventions including vaccines and more recently phage therapy - the killing of bacteria with viruses that predate on them.  We are striving for a 'predictive' understanding of E. coli genomes, so that based on the sequence of any E. coli we can infer where it has come from, its threat to animal or human health, and how to successfully treat it with antibiotics or phage. 


Dr Sam Gamal Strategic Research Coordinator
Anna Gamza Research Assistant
Senthil Gandi Business Development Executive
Samuel García Huete MSCR Student
Dr Andrew Gardiner Senior Lecturer

Veterinary education, veterinary primary care, community animal health and welfare, shelter medicine, ethics, veterinary history, cross-discipline animal studies. See under Media tab for some more information.

Dr Eleanor Gaunt Sir Henry Dale Fellow
Ophélie Gervais Core Scientist - Research Fellow
Dr Masoud Ghaderi Zefreh Core Scientist
Dr Almas Gheyas Research Fellow
Mrs Hazel Gilhooley Core Scientist (Research Technician)
Karen Gillan Animal Care Assistant
Vedhamurthy Giri MscR Student
George Gkekas
Dr Laura Glendinning Chancellor's Fellow

My group researches the functional relationships between the microbiota, host and environment in various animal species, with a particular focus on avians. 

Dr James Glover Chancellor's Fellow

Our research group is interested in how embryonic patterns are produced during development, with a particular focus on interrogating the influences of the molecular and mechanoceullar environment on these processes. We take a multidisciplinary approach incorporating aspects of several fields including cell biology, developmental biology, mathematics and engineering, using the chick embryo as our primary model. Our goal is to understand the core processes which drive vertebrate periodic pattern formation to provide insight into the causality of associated birth disorders and help guide future regenerative medicine strategies. 

Professor Gregor Gorjanc Personal Chair in Selective Breeding (HighlanderLab)

I lead the HighlanderLab, which focuses on managing and improving populations using data science, genetics, and breeding.

We focus on populations used for food, feed, and fibre production with some spillover into other populations.

 We are particularly interested in:

(i) methods for genetics and breeding,

(ii) design and optimisation of breeding programmes, and

(iii) analysis of data to unravel biology and to find new ways of improving populations.

Romana Gorjanc Laboratory Administrator
Sander Granneman MRC Senior Non-Clinical Research Fellow in RNA Biochemistry and Group Leader

My lab is interested in the role of RNA regulators and RNA binding proteins in the regulation of gene expression. Most of our research has focussed on the assembly of large macromolecular complexes, such as the yeast ribosome. However, more recently, we have also been working on understanding the role of RNA surveillance factors in the regulation of mRNA transcription and translation in both yeast and pathogenic bacteria. The goal of our research is to obtain detailed mechanistic insights into the strategies that organisms use for regulating gene expression during rapid adaptive responses. For our research we use highly innovative methodologies such as CRAC and CLASH and high-throughput structure probing methods. Our work is funded by the BBSRC, SULSA, the Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Council.

Christine Grant PHD Student
Danielle Gray Senior Research Contracts Officer
Dr Finn Grey Senior Research Fellow

Identifying host pathogen interactions using systems approaches

Fiona Griffiths Administrative Assistant
Sebastien Guizard Computation Biology Support/Research Fellow
Prof Danielle Gunn-Moore Personal Chair of Feline Medicine

As a RCVS recognised Specialist in Feline Medicine, I am interested in all aspects of feline internal medicine, though I have current projects on Mycobacterial infections, feline genomics and dementia.

Dr Caroline Hahn Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Neurosciences

Neuromuscular diseases in all animals, and all facets of equine neurology.

Professor Chris Haley Group Leader

Understanding complex trait variation in humans and other species.


Rachael Halliday Animal Technician/Stock Person
Hamna Hamna PHD Student
Dr Ian Handel Senior Lecturer

The use of quantitative statistical and epidemiological methods to address questions of animal/human health and disease surveillance.

Angus Harding Honour Student
Holly Hardy ‪Core Scientist (Research Fellow Functional Genomics)
Kirsten Harper Post-Doctoral Researcher in Conservation Genetics (eDNA)
Will Harvey ‪Core Scientist in Quantitative Predictive Biology

Broadly speaking, my interests lie in the relationships between pathogens and their hosts, the evolution of traits such as resistance, virulence and host preference, and how an understanding of these processes can be used to inform disease control and intervention strategies. Much of my research career has been focused on the evolution of influenza viruses. 

Dr Musa Hassan Chancellor's Fellow
Dr Denis Headon Group Leader/Senior Research Fellow

Development, maintenance and repair of the skin and its appendages.

Ms. Elizabeth Heap Lab Sequencing Technologist
Dr Lindsay Henderson NARF Academic Liaison and Post-Doctoral Scientist
Thomas Hewitt
Kris Hogan NARF Avian Husbandry Manager
Charis Hogg Education and Engagement Officer
Professor Jayne Hope Personal Chair of Immunology

Immune responses to Mycobacterial infections in cattle.

Isabella Hoskins
Isidore Houaga Researcher
Dr Fiona Houston Senior Research Fellow/Group Leader

Molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of infectious and neurological diseases of ruminant livestock.

Dr Deborah Hoyle Lecturer

Molecular epidemiology of zoonotic and emerging pathogens, antimicrobial resistance, disease surveillance and control, One Health.

Si-Yu Huang D.V.M.
Dr Kirsty Hughes Research Assistant (Veterinary Medical Education)

Veterinary education, the student experience, assessment and feedback, student wellbeing, e-learning, educational research methods, staff development.

Dr Emily Humble Research Fellow in Conservation Genomics
Mrs Moira Hutchison Laboratory Attendant
Jamie Hyndman Poultry Technician - Modern Apprentice
Professor Ian Jackson Programme Leader/ Professorial Fellow

Mouse models of human and animal disease

Mr Siddharth Jayaraman Research Fellow
Soher Jayash Core Scientist
Claire Jeffrey Finance Assistant
Dr Kirsty Jensen Research Fellow
Dr Jeanette Johansson Research Fellow
Martin Johnsson UoE Temporary Staff

My research interests concern the molecular basis of quantitative traits, and ways to integrate different kinds of genomic data in animal genetics.

Mr Alex Johnston Research Assistant
Esther Kamau Programme Development Manager (PDM)
Professor Rowland Kao Chair of Veterinary Epidemiology and Data Science
Dr Emma Keeble DVREP Senior Lecturer and Vet Clinician
Professor John Keen Personal Chair of Equine Cardiovascular Medicine

The equine cardiovascular system and its relationship to endocrinological disorders such as equine metabolic syndrome and pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction.

Marianne Keith Research Assistant
Jade Kennedy Solicitor (C1) (PAO - Legal)
Steven Kerr Post Doctoral Scientist
Mr Declan King Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Leanne Kinnear UG Student
Rachel Kline Research Assistant
Bertie Knight PHD Student
Mikolaj Kocikowski PhD Student

Cancer Research, Antibody Engineering, Immune Checkpoints, Veterinary Therapeutics

Eve Koo
Mr Richard Kuo Bioinformatician
Kirsty Kurcik Quality Assurance Assistant
Dr Dominic Thekkedath Kurian Proteomics and Metabolomics Facility Mgr
Mr Fraser Laing Technical Officer
Dr Lizi Lake Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Mr Stuart Lansley ICT Business Systems Officer, Operational Services
Letícia Aparecida de Castro Lara Research Fellow

I have concentrated my studies in Quantitative Genetics, Computing for Statistical Genetics (specially in R software), and Mixed Models. My research interests comprise Bioinformatics, Genomic Selection, Bayesian Models, Machine and Deep Learning.

Dr Andy Law Group Leader/Senior Research Fellow

The development of simple-to-use systems for handling and reformatting data for genetic analyses.

Dawn Law Quality Manager
Hui-Min Lee Research Fellow
Ji-Eun Lee Postdoctoral Research Associate
Ola Lee Research Assistant
Seungmee Lee Research Fellow
Tim Lee Vet
Dr Simon Lillico Research Fellow
Dr Oliver Lin Research Fellow
Mrs Tiziana Liuti Senior Lecturer
Graham Logan Poultry Technician
Nicola Lowe Contracts Administrator
Emily Lowndes PhD Student
Lu Lu Career Track Fellow
Dr Peter Lurz UoE Honorary staff
Prof Samantha Lycett Personal Chair in Pathogen Phylodynamics

Pathogen Phylodynamics - evolution and epidemiology of viruses and bacteria using bayesian and machine learning methods.

Dr Nicola Lynskey Career Track Fellows

The overall interest of the Lynskey Lab is the study of virulence factor regulation and innate immune modulation by pathogenic streptococci. Our work is currently focused on two important pathogens, Streptococcus agalactiae (group B Streptococcus), the causative agent of economically important infections in multiple animal hosts which has also emerged as a major human pathogen, and the human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes (group A Streptococcus). We seek to identify regulatory genes that enable the bacteria to switch from a benign to invasive disease state and characterise their mechanism of action and impact on host immune defences. We are also interested to use this information to better   understand and characterise the factors driving host-species adaptation of S. agalactiae, which causes significant disease in humans, cattle and fish.

Professor Neil Mabbott Personal Chair of Immunopathology

Host-pathogen interactions in the mucosal immune system.

Dr Joni Macdonald Research Fellow
Dr Jill MacKay Senior Lecturer

Research methodology, open science practices

Within education research: Digital education (effectiveness, utilisation and effects on experience), student learning, student experience, staff teaching experience, effective public engagement.

Within veterinary sciences: human-animal interactions, human behaviour change for animal welfare, animal support, companion animal welfare, animal welfare education.



John Mackenzie Chief Executive Officer
Catriona MacKinnon
Madison MacLeay
Professor Dan Macqueen Personal Chair of Integrative Fish Genomics

My interests span genomics and genome biology, evolutionary biology, animal health, immunology, and pathogens. I apply my research towards improvements in the aquaculture sector. I work on mostly on fish and their pathogens, and am particularly interested in the salmonid family, where all species share an ancestral whole genome duplication.

Prof Alastair Macrae Personal Chair of Farm Animal Health and Production

Monitoring of farm animal health including the links between nutrition, health and productivity in cattle and sheep.

Dr Vicky MacRae Reader

Investigating new mechanisms of bone formation and vascular calcification.

Maisarah Maidin Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Marina Mantsopoulou MRCS Student
Enock Mararo MSC, PhD Student
Melissa Marr Core Scientist in Farmed Animal Functional Genomics
Audrey Martin Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Mrs Yolanda Martinez Pereira Senior Lecturer in Cardiopulmonary Medicine

Assessment of competencies in veterinary education

Novel diagnostic tools in veterinary cardiology

Management of congenital heart diseases in canine patients

Pacemaker implantation in dogs with symptomatic bradycardia

Dr Heather Mathie Research Fellow
Ms Tricia Mathieson Technical Officer
Dr Oswald Matika Research Fellow
Sophia Matossian MSc
Stella Mazeri Chancellor's Fellow
Mr Sean McAteer Research Associate
Miss Elaine McDonald PGR Clerical Assistant
Craig McDougall Innovation Fellow
Rosie McFadyen Honour Student
Gus McFarlane Research Associate
Prof Bruce McGorum Personal Chair of Equine Medicine

Equine internal medical disorders, particularly equine respiratory diseases and grass sickness.

Dr Mike McGrew Professor

Biobanking and genome editing of avian germ cells


Mrs Irene McGuinnes Research Technician
Mr Laurie McIntosh ICT Technical Support Officer, Operational Services
Ms Ray McKenzie Receptionist (Part time), Servitorial Services Central
Dr Gerry McLachlan Group Leader/Senior Research Fellow

Preclinical studies to evaluate safety and efficacy of vectors for respiratory gene/miRNA delivery in mice & sheep. Sheep as a large animal model for respiratory disease.

Catherine McLaughlin Research Associate
Kate McLeod Digital Communications Assistant
Lee McManus Technical Officer, BVS
Mrs Lynn McTeir Research Assistant
Scott McVittie Technical Assistant, BVS
Professor Simone Meddle Personal Chair of Behavioural Neuroendocrinology

Adaptations of the neuroendocrine system: hormonal and neural regulation of reproduction and behaviour.  Animal Welfare: Neurobiology of positive welfare and behaviour.

Dr James Meehan Postdoctoral Research Fellow

I am currently working under Dr Mark Gray at The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and Roslin Institute. Using different models, we are investigating the cellular susceptibility of Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) infection and ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) development. 



Dr Stephen Meek Research Fellow
Jen Meikle Finance Administrator
Prof Richard Mellanby Personal Chair of Comparative Medicine

Investigating the relationship between nutrition, inflammation and health outcomes using a comparative medicine approach

Dr Dominique Meunier Research Fellow
Natascha Meunier Research Fellow
Miss Katarzyna Miedzinska-Bielecka Research Technician
Colin Miller Purchasing Manager
Graeme Milne Animal care Technician
Julie Miranville
Bushra Mohammed Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Alexsander Moraes PhD/Visitor
Professor Ivan Morrison Professor Ivan Morrison

The mechanisms of T cell-mediated immunity against intracellular pathogens of ruminants and how dysregulation of such responses can result in enhanced pathology.

Professor Liam Morrison Senior Research Fellow

I am interested in the infection biology of protozoan parasites of livestock. I am particularly attracted to integrated approaches where we can learn about both host and parasite processes that are key to infection/disease progression – especially in the clinically relevant host, the cow. I work primarily on African trypanosomes, but also on Theileria parva , which together are the most significant pathogens affecting livestock in sub-Saharan Africa. I also work on Cryptosporidium parvum, a worldwide enteric pathogen of humans and livestock. My work aims to identify key host-parasite interactions that determine disease outcome, further our understanding of bovine immunobiology, and identify targets for interventions (e.g. drug & vaccine development).

Dr Linda Morrison Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology
Nelly Muriungi Research Associate
Dr Adrian Muwonge BBSRC Future Leader Fellow
Nithya Nair
Mrs Claire Neil Research Assistant
Clare Neilson Legal Advisor
Caitlin Newman Research Assistant
Lucile Neyton
Victoria Nicheva Research Assistant
Scott Noble Technical Officer, BVS
Dr Tim Nuttall Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Dermatology

The genetics of atopic dermatitis; allergen specific immunology; antibiotic resistance, particularly meticillin-resistance staphylococci and multi-drug resistant E. coli; and responsible antimicrobial use and infection control.

Niamh O'Loughlin Honour Student
Dr Marie O'Shea Research Fellow
Professor Rob Ogden Director of Conservation Science / Director of ECOS / Head of Conservation Genetics
Julia Oh PhD Student
Aleksandra Okolo-Kulak
Thomas Oldfield
Wilna Oosthuyzen Senior Programme Manager
Brigid Orr Research Fellow
James Owen PhD Student
Erola Pairo-Castineira Senior Data Analyst
Maciej Pajak Research Fellow

I'm interested in applying machine learning methods and other computational tools to real world data. I use my computational background and software engineering skills to answer research questions from various disciplines including neuroscience, cognitive science and biology. The overarching theme of my research programme can be summarised as quantifying contribution of finely-tuned genetic regulation to emergence of complex function at the synapse using cutting edge computational tools. In the future it will also include tackling the question of the evolution of molecular etiology of neuropsychiatric disorders

Reiss Pal PhD Student in Neuropathology
Dr Lisa Pang Research Fellow
Nunticha Pankaew Post-doctoral Scientist
Zaira Pardo Domínguez PHD Student
Alba Park De La Torriente
Miss Rose Parsa
Mr Maciej Parys Vet Clinical Lectureship

My current research interests include studying the role of immune checkpoints in canine and feline cancer and inflammatory disease. I am also intereted in interactions between innate and adaptive immune system in cancer patients. 

Mrs Judith Pate Laboratory Technical Officer
Dr Gavin Paterson Senior Lecturer in Molecular and Applied Microbiology
Dr Jessie Paterson Lecturer in Student Learning

Student learning, study skills support (including the use of Peers), student assessment, learning and assessment generally

Mrs Edith Paxton Research Assistant
Aine Pears PHD Student
Beth Pearson
Carolina Penaloza Research Fellow
Gabriela Peniche
George Penman
Dr Kanchan Phadwal Postdoctoral Fellow in Fish Health Omics

Role of autophagy in neurodegenerative diseases: mechanisms and therapeutic approach.

Dr Adrian Philbey Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Pathology

Emerging infectious diseases of domestic animals and wildlife, canine adenovirus in red foxes and dogs, salmonellosis in dogs and cats, staphylococcal infections of dogs and cats, yersiniosis in domestic and zoo animals, viral pathogenesis and oncogenesis.

Dr Chiara Piccinelli Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Pathology
Lia Pickles BSc
Max Pickup Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Rute Pinto Chancellor's Fellow
Prof Scott Pirie Personal Chair of Equine Clinical Sciences

Aetiopathogenesis of equine airway disease and characterising the equine pulmonary innate immune response. Equine dysautonomia, primarily in relation to the investigation of aetiologic pathways.

Scotts currently active areas of reseach include the following:

(1) studies on equine grass sickness with a particular focus on the potential aetiological role of ingested pasture-derived mycotoxins;

(2) studies of the innate immunity of the equine airway, with a particular focus on the role of the alveolar macrophage in determining disease susceptibility;

(3) studies on the role of intestinal macrophage activation in the initiation and maintenance of gut motility disturbances following gastrointestinal surgery (post-operative ileus).

Ivan Pocrnic Career Track Fellow

My main research interest is in the development of novel breeding methodologies and tools. This work involves a synergy between theoretical quantitative genetics and practical animal breeding. My main expertise is the application of genomic selection on big datasets for various species (pig, chicken, cattle, etc.) and various models, with emphasis on single-step genomic prediction.

Dr Ricardo Pong-Wong Quantitative Genetic Tools Specialist
Dr Christopher Pooley Quantitative Geneticist
Jessica Powell Core Scientist Research Fellow
Oscar Powell
Dr James Prendergast Group Leader
Jamie Prentice Research Fellow EIDD UK Modelling
Dr Christopher Proudfoot Research Fellow
Md Ataul Goni RABBANI PhD Student
Dr Joe Rainger Roslin Research Fellow

Our group investigates epithelial tissue fusion and related human disorders. Disruptions to how tissues fuse together during human development is a common cause of birth defects, affecting approximately 1 in 500 people in the UK. Our research has been prompted because despite our best efforts, most patients born with problems such as cleft palate, spina bifida, and heart defects still don't have the genetic cause of their disorder identified. This often impacts genetic counselling and efforts towards prevention. We also remain unsure what impacts maternal environment have on these conditions (e.g. illness, vitamin deficiency, or substance abuse). We aim to address these by performing transformative research to reveal the key genes, cell behaviours, and molecular systems required for normal tissue fusion, and provide a step-change in our knowledge of how these can be perturbed.

Dr Anna Raper Bio-Imaging and Flow Cytometry Facility Manager
Lucy Raud Easter Bush Campus Operations and Services
Doug Redpath Research Computing Infrastructure Officer
Dr Tim Regan Group Leader

Dr. Regan's lab is concerned with exploring immune systems of invertebrate aquaculture species in the context of industry relevant diseases. This includes interactions with host-associated microbiomes, environmental stressors and environmental microbiota.

In the foreseeable future, much of this work will focus on how host genetics and environmental stressors affect blue mussel immunology using a whole range of molecular biology and –omics technologies.

Teresa Requena Navarro Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Joe Reynolds
Ms Amy Richards Research Fellow and Lab Manager
Jon Riddell Core Scientist in Functional Genetics
Liv Riddell-Robertson Engagement Administrator
Dr Valentina Riggio Core Scientist in Quantitative Genetics and Genomics
Susanna Riley Research Assistant
Sian Ringrose Business Development Executive
Adrian Ritchie Senior Research Assistant
Lisa Ritchie Events and Funding Officer
Flossie Roberts PHD Student
Lizzy Roberts
Professor Nikki Robertson Professor of Perinatal Neuroscience & Honorary Consultant Neonatologist

My clinical and research interest is neonatal brain injury and neuroprotection of the term and near-term baby, working both as a consultant neonatologist and research group lead at UCL over the past 20 years. The journey has been exciting and fast-moving, with therapeutic hypothermia (HT) for neonatal encephalopathy (NE) being a significant advance in newborn care. However, as HT is only partially protective, we are searching for adjunct therapies which can complement and synergize with HT.  We study mechanisms of brain injury using MR techniques and NIRS. With the aim to move therapies along the translational pipeline, we have studied the following neuroprotective agents: melatonin, noble gases (xenon and argon), amiloride, erythropoeitin, remote ischemic post conditioning.  We have shown that proton MRS is a robust marker of neurodevelopmental outcome in NE and we use this biomarker both in our pre-clinical models and for clinical prognosis.

Christina Marie (Chrissy) Rochus Core Scientist in Quantitative Genetics and Breeding
Joshua Rogers Research Assistant
Anna Rojek Contracts Officer
Mr Gordon Rolland Senior Site Security Officer
Dr Roger Ros Freixedes
Dr Gianluigi Rossi Senior Research Fellow

My main research interest is modelling infectious diseases spread in livestock system and at the interface between livestock and wildlife, in order to improve disease surveillance and control. I use a combination of quantitative tools, including mathematical and statistical modelling, machine learning, networks, and phylogenetics analyses.

Antonios Roussos Research Student
Dr Khalid Salamat Core Scientist (Research Fellow)
Prof Silke Salavati Personal Chair (Prof.) in Small Animal Gastroenterology,, Dipl.ECVIM-CA, PhD, FHEA, FRCVS, RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)

I am interested in small animal gastroenterology, especially focusing of mechanisms of disease, clinical assessment and treatment of canine inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)/ chronic inflammatory enteropathy (CIE).

Agustina Salis Torres UG Student
Sarah Salisbury Research Fellow
Aeron Sanchez Research Software Engineer
Dr Enrique Sanchez Molano Post Doctoral Researcher in Livestock Genomics
Conchi Sanchez Perez Senior Technical Officer (Research)
Bruna Santana KTP Associate in Artemia Quantitative Genetics and Breeding
Prof Neil Sargison Personal Chair of Farm Animal Practice

Use of deep amplicon sequencing approaches to study nematode parasite diversity and co-infections. Performance of different sheep breeds and selected lines in a harsh hill environment. Changing epidemiology of trematode parasites. Population genetics of anthelmintic resistance in nematodes. Haemonchus contotus and Teladorsagia circumcincta genomics. Train-the-trainer livestock health education.  

Jenna Schafers PHD Student
Dr Jeffrey Schoenebeck Senior Research Fellow

Comparative & functional genetics, genome biology, avian and mammalian craniofacial biology and genetics

Dr Tobias Schwarz Reader in Diagnostic Imaging DI Service Head

Veterinary diagnostic imaging, in particular computed tomography

Mariela Scortti Lecturer, Division of Infection and Pathway Medicine
Emma Scott Junior Transgenic Technician, BVS
Fiona Scott EPAD Laboratory Manager
Dr Colin Sharp Core Scientist - Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dr Darren Shaw Reader in Comparative Epidemiology

Comparative epidemiology of parasitic and infectious diseases and general aspects of animal health.

Brandon Shek
Ms Shahida Sheraz Research Assistant
Dr Adrian Sherman Avian Technologies Manager
Mr Colin Simpson Project Officer
Miss Samantha Ellis Core Scientist in Avian Immunobiology
Charles Sloan Stockman
Robert Sloan Stockman
Dr Jacqueline Smith Group Leader/Senior Research Fellow

I work in the field of avian genomics with a particular interest in ‘resilience’ of birds, whether that be with respect to disease resistance (with a focus on Marek's disease and avian flu) or environmental adaptation. I also work as part of  the Centre for Livestock Genetics and Health (CTLGH), investigating the genetics of indigenous African chickens.

Dr Nikki Smith Research Fellow
Suzanne Smith Divisional Assistant
Tom Smith-Zaitlik PHD Student
Uli Sobhiafshar Core Scientist in Epigenetics
Dr Pieter Steketee Research Fellow
Louise Stephen BBSRC Discovery Fellow
Dr Jo Stevens Group Leader

Studies intracellular bacterial pathogens, with specific interest in the bacterial genes required for intracellular survival and evasion of innate immune responses.

Professor Mark Stevens Personal Chair of Microbial Pathogenesis

Salmonella, Campylobacter and Escherichia coli infections in farm animals, with emphasis on the bacterial and host factors that influence persistence, pathogenesis and protection.

Dr Robert Stewart Bioinformatician
Willie Stewart SPF Avian Facility Supervisor
Dr. Nicola Stock Public Engagement Officer
Dr Nicola Stock Project Officer - Public Engagement
Kasia Stoinska PA to Director and Strategic Coordinator
Shannon Street MScR
Ricardo Strefezzi Post-doctoral Fellow
Marij Streutker Vet
Sarah Struthers Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr Sarah Struthers Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Teresita Suarez Noguez EPIC Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Zoe Sudderick Research Technician
Tijani Sulaimon PhD Student
Kallen Sullivan
Dr Kate Sutton Career Track Fellow

The Sutton lab is dedicated to delving into the intricate workings of the chicken's immune system. Leveraging state-of-the-art transgenic technologies pioneered at the Roslin Institute, our research hones in on elucidating the pivotal roles played by innate immune cells, specifically macrophages and dendritic cells, in host responses. Employing a blend of cutting-edge in vivo and in vitro models, our objective is to comprehensively grasp how these cells orchestrate immune responses to infections and vaccines within mucosal tissues. Using this knowledge we can devise more effective strategies to control disease and to enhance poultry health and productivity. 

The research in the Sutton lab is geared towards not only deepening our understanding of the chicken's immune system but also translating this knowledge into practical applications that can significantly benefit the poultry industry, promoting healthier and more productive poultry farming.

Dr Christine Tait-Burkard Tenure Track Fellow/Research Fellow

Her research focuses on understanding how porcine and zoonotic viruses interact with their hosts and how this understanding can be used to identify genetic susceptibility/resistance and develop diagnostics and treatments. Braving the split between human and animal viruses and technologies Christine is, for example, involved in the generation of genome edited pigs resistant towards one of the most costly pig viruses but also part of the IMI CARE consortium aiming to identify and repurpose drugs against SARS-CoV-2 infection causing COVID-19.

Spring Tan Research Fellow
Evie Tang Student Internship/Research Assistant in Data-Driven Breeding and Genetics
Qiyu Tang Core Scientist
Mrs Lorna Taylor Research Technician
Richard Taylor Research Fellow
Dr Sarah Taylor Senior Lecture in Equine Orthopaedics

Advanced imaging of equine fractures

miRNAs and osteoarthritis

miRNAs and SNPs in equine stress fractures


Professor Albert Tenesa Personal chair of Quantitative Genetics

Understanding how genetic variation influences normal and pathological variation in humans.

Mr Peter Tennant Senior Research Assistant
Blanka Tesla Research Associate
Anna Theobald MSc
Charlotte Thomas Research Fellow
Madeleine Thompson Network Manager
Naomi Thompson Bio-Imaging & Flow Cytometry Technician
Andrew Thomson Poultry Technician
Marcus Thomson Poultry Technician
Mrs Elisabeth Thornton Research Technician
Prof Michael Thrusfield Personal Chair of Veterinary Epidemiology
Dr Alison Tidswell Postdoctoral Research Associate
Robbie Tod Farm Animal Technician
Daniel Tolhurst Vet
Mrs Karen Troup Research Assistant
Laura Tuck Post Doctoral Research Associate
Salla Tuomaala
Marzuq Ungogo Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Zia Ur-Rehman PhD Student
Adriana Vallejo-Trujillo Research Associate in Whole Genome Sequence Analysis
Bram van Bunnik Core Scientist - Quantitative Predictive Epidemiology
Dr Elise van der Heijden Postdoctoral Scientist
Mrs Deepali Vasoya Bioinformatician
Nick Verity Research Fellow
Dr Douglas Vernimmen Group Leader

The understanding on how vertebrate genes are switched on and off during differentiation to control cell fate and to specify different lineages is the molecular basis for any biological phenomenon. My research area is focused on many aspects of chromatin biology with a specific focus on epigenetic regulators. Chromatin Biology is a very strong research area at the University of Edinburgh and the research conducted at the Roslin Institute will take advantage of using many species to develop comparative (epi)genomics approaches to understand the complexity of gene regulation during evolution.

Ana Villaplana Velasco Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Thanasis Vogogias Scientific Software Engineer
Jennifer Volk Senior Information and Data Systems Lead (SIDL) at CTLGH
Miss Christina Vrettou Senior Research Assistant
Mrs Lindsey Waddell Research Assistant
Dr Nick Wade Group Leader in Aquaculture

We are trying to understand how aquatic animals respond to challenges such as disease and environmental stressors, and the molecular regulation of those pathways to make them more resilient to those challenges. The ways in which fish and prawns respond to stressors might be shared with other animals, while many others will be unique and it’s understanding those mechanisms, and understanding how these amazing creatures respond and thrive in a dynamic marine environment, that I’m passionate about.

Aimee Waites UG Student
Lauryn Walmsley-Rowe UG Student
Jinhai Wang Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Fish Genome Editing
Zhepeng Wang
Heather Warnock Facility Manager & Import and Export Manager, BVS
Dr Kellie Watson Director of the National Avian Research Facility
Tom Watson Research Associate
Emily Watts
Emily Welham PHD Student
Ruby White PhD Student
Professor Bruce Whitelaw Personal Chair of Animal Biotechnology

Development of genetically engineered livestock for biomedical and agricultural applications.

Dr Pam Wiener Reader

Application of population and quantitative genetic approaches to dissect the genetic basis of phenotypic traits in domesticated animal species and to analyze the processes of domestication and breed development.  


Dr Erin Williams Senior Lecturer in Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology

Have you ever wondered how the bacteria that live on and inside of us influence how our bodies function? That is the question that the Williams lab aims to answer, with a specific focus on the female reproductive tract and the mammary gland. By identifying the mechanisms by which the microbiome influences female reproductive health and fertility, and how this is altered during disease, our aim is to develop diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to combat the most common and debilitating mammalian reproductive health issues and disorders of lactation.

In a complementary theme, our lab also investigates the social and political factors influencing infant feeding in the UK, and the barriers that women face when it comes to feeding their babies. 

Harvey Williams Core Scientist in Quantitative Predictive Biology
Eleanor Wilson
Mr Pete Wilson Research Assistant
Dr Thomas Wishart Group Leader

Elucidating the mechanisms underpinning neuronal development, stability and degeneration in health and disease.

Miss Claire Wood MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow
Jess Wood Administrative Assistant and Tenant Liaison
Dr Zhiguang Wu Research Fellow
Dr Zhou Wu Research fellow

My postdoctoral project examines the resilience of wild birds to climate change, where I study their genomics and genetics using transcriptomic/epigenetic approaches to understand seasonality.

My Ph.D. project focuses on functional genomics in chicken, including the genotype-phenotype mapping, population genetics of human-mediated introgression, comparative genomics, and transcriptomics.

Experience in whole-genome sequence data, RNA-seq data, and genome editing techniques (CRISPR-Cas9 in zebrafish).

My passion and interest are growing in bioinformatics to develop computational tools; understanding the function of the genome, and using genomics to study the demography and evolution of populations.

Erhan Yalcindag Research Fellow
Kaunda Yamba Vet
Dr Gonzalo Yebra
Dr Rachel Young Research Fellow
Marie-Theres Zechner Postdoctoral Research Fellow