Dr Tim Regan (Career Track Fellow)

Group Leader


Dr. Tim Regan's PhD was on innate immune mediated inflammation regulation in the human gastrointestinal tract. This involved siRNA screening, infection assays and many molecular biology techniques. Attracted by the One Health ethos of the Roslin Institute, Dr. Regan moved here in 2014 to begin a postdoc with a Systems Biology group (Professor Tom Freeman's group). This introduced him to bioinformatics and network graphing skills while studying macrophage transcriptomics and honey bee metagenomics. Tim then worked with Genome-scale CRISPR Knock-Out (GeCKO) screening to study host susceptibility/resistance genes (Dr Kenneth Baillie's group). Finally discovering the wonders of aquaculture, Dr. Regan joined Tim Bean’s lab in 2019 working with government and industry stakeholders to improve bivalve culture in the UK.

In 2023, Dr. Regan was awarded a Career Track Fellowship at Roslin to build their own research group investigating invertebrate aquaculture species immunology in the context of industry-relevant challenges.

Current PhD students supervised

Hannah Farley

Kallen Sullivan

Research summary

Dr. Regan's lab is concerned with exploring immune systems of invertebrate aquaculture species in the context of industry relevant diseases. This includes interactions with host-associated microbiomes, environmental stressors and environmental microbiota.

In the foreseeable future, much of this work will focus on how host genetics and environmental stressors affect blue mussel immunology using a whole range of molecular biology and –omics technologies.