Prof Brendan Corcoran (MVB, DipPharm, PhD, MRCVS)

Personal Chair of Veterinary Cardiopulmonary Medicine


After several years in private practice in New York and in London, I joined the R(D)SVS as a small animal clinician in 1986 and since then developed an interest in cardiology and respiratory medicine of dogs and cats, and have been Head of the Cardiopulmonary Service, Head of the Clinical Division and Director of the Hospital for Small Animals. This clinical career was interrupted by a three year Wellcome Leave Fellowship in respiratory physiology. My research interests had been initially in respiratory medicine and physiology but more latterly has concentrated on mitral valve disease at all levels from clinical features to molecular mechanisms.

Area of Expertise

Research Expertise: Veterinary Medicine, Professional Governance, Veterinary Clinical Research, Internationalisation in a University context



Bachelors in Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Edinburgh

Professional Qualifications

Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, MRCVS

Responsibilities & affiliations

Deputy Head of School

University Dean International North America

Research summary

Mitral valve disease in dogs, tissue engineered solutions to sourcing valve tissue for research.