Professor Rob Ogden

Director of Conservation Science / Director of ECOS / Head of Conservation Genetics


I am Chair in Conservation Science at the University of Edinburgh, where I hold the positions of Director of Conservation Science and Head of Conservation Genetics at the Veterinary School and the Roslin Institute.  My work in applied conservation genetics includes maintaining an international research programme, directing an online Masters degree programme and taking an active role in the IUCN SSC Conservation Genetics Specialist Group.  I also work more broadly in applied conservation science through my role as the Director of ECOS (Edinburgh Conservation Science), a cross-institutional forum for promoting the transfer of science into conservation projects and policy. 

I am a past-president of the Society for Wildlife Forensic Science (2015-19), and am a director and co-founder of TRACE Wildlife Forensics Network, an NGO that supports the application of forensic science to wildlife law enforcement around the world.

Prior to joining the University of Edinburgh in 2017, I worked as a visiting professor at Kyoto University (2015-16) and was previously based at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (2011-15), where I held the positions of Head of Science and Director of Conservation. 


1999 - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Wales, Bangor - Molecular Ecology

1994 - Bachelor of Science (BSc Hons), University of Liverpool - Marine Biology

Responsibilities & affiliations

  • Director, Edinburgh Conservation Science (ECOS) (2018-)
  • Director, TRACE Wildlife Forensics Network (2006-)
  • Special Professor, Wildlife Research Centre, Kyoto University, Japan (2015-)
  • Expert panel member, Scottish Natural Heritage Scientific Advisory Committee (2017-)
  • IUCN Conservation Genetics Specialist Group member (2015-)
  • Director, Society for Wildlife Forensic Science (2013-)
  • UNODC Wildlife Forensics Expert Group (2015-)
  • European Association of Zoos and Aquaria – Population genetics advisor (2013-)
  • UK (PAW) Wildlife Forensic Working Group (2004-)