University teams up with Marblar to crystallise fresh innovation
The University of Edinburgh has joined a new crowdsourcing initiative to pilot a new innovation approach to commercialising its intellectual property portfolio and forging global alliances.
Edinburgh Research and Innovation (ERI), the commercialisation arm of the University of Edinburgh, is joining forces for the first time with Marblar, the ambitious crowdsourcing social network which helps universities find new partners interested in creating fresh opportunities for its intellectual property assets.
ERI has high hopes for its initial offering to the Marblar community - BioLayout Express3D, a software programme developed at The Roslin Institute at the University of Edinburgh for the analysis and visualisation of complex data, by Professor Tom Freeman from the University's Systems Immunology Group.
Marblar's role as a catalyser, breathing fresh life into innovation has far reaching effects. BioLayout will be seen by a global community of scientists and innovators on Marblar who have the chance of bringing forward their own ideas to further enhance the opportunities for the 3D software application. For example, ERI hopes BioLayout can leverage other applications requiring visualisation of 'big data'.
For more information about this partnership, please visit the link: