Information Services

Let’s Get to Know… Ross Marrins

An introduction to one of our latest team members.

What do you do in Apps?

I’ve just recently started as a Senior Project and Programme Manager in the ITI division. So far I have been getting involved with Enterprise and Desktop projects.

What does your position involve day to day?

Typical PM tasks – creating/updating project briefs, project plans, keeping project logs up to date etc. Chasing up people to try and get project tasks completed. Organising and holding meetings. Anything to keep the projects progressing and on track.

What are the challenges of your job?

I have been here less than 4 weeks, so getting to know how ITI and the wider ISG operates, getting up speed with the many processes and procedures that need to be followed and getting my head around infrastructure in general (I come primarily from an applications background). Also in my first few weeks as a newbie, trying to get to know everyone without asking too many stupid questions!

What do you find the most exciting about it?

Learning new things from both a projects and wider organisation perspective. Coming from the private sector I hope it will be a refreshing change to work in an environment with a different vision and goals.

What led you to Information Services?

The opportunity to try something new in a different work environment and culture.


What did you do before you joined IS?

Worked for IT consultancy firms for over 13 years, most recently as a Senior PM, but previously as a PM, business analyst and software developer.


Tell us something interesting about yourself.

Probably not that interesting, but last year I renovated a house which included some heavy duty DIY tasks such as installing double glazed windows and knocking down walls. A difficult and tiring project, but worth it in the end.


What’s the one thing you would take with you on a deserted island?

Mobile phone

Where is the most memorable place you have been to? That you haven’t been to?

I went to Thailand on honeymoon and would like to go to Hawaii one day

What did you want to be when you were 13?

A pilot or a footballer, somehow I ended up in IT…