EUCLID, the Student Record system, is being enhanced
This new project will fix existing issues in the student record system EUCLID. Staff in Student Systems Operations spend a significant amount of time correcting data issues caused by broken processes or failed automation. The plan is to pass more processing over to Schools, but this will only be possible if the issues are resolved.
In addition, this project will prioritise Adaptation and Renewal ART work to support students' administrative tasks during start of term, and enhance student data to meet the university HESA statutory returns.
The project will follow a continuous improvement approach that was praised by schools when used in the later stages of the Assessment and Progression Tools project. Business Analysts and Development teams will work in tandem and aim for regular releases of changes to give immediate benefits to users. The team will work closely with the Student Records team in Operations so that there is a smooth handover of the changes ready to be supported once released.
- Reduce risks of errors and delays , support calls & manual processing time. Approximately 15% of time in Student Systems Operations is spent on system issues, or 2,000 calls related to system issues in the past year with an average turnaround time of 17 days. The delay impacts students, staff and other services such as Fees and Immigration Service.
- Ensure business service is run smoothly
- Provide clearer information for students and staff
- Enhance data quality and accuracy
Further information is available on the project website
Franck Bergeret, SSP Programme Manager , IS Applications Directorate