Deployment of Notifications Service - UI, API and portlets
The first stage of the Notifications Service - Rollout, Integration and Subscribers was deployed successfully at the end of May 2018.
The first stage of the Notifications Service - Rollout, Integration and Subscribers was deployed successfully at end of May 2018. This deployed the Notifications Service User Interface and API together with Notifications portlets via MyEd.
The new Notifications Service is part of a wider programme supported via Digital Transformation funding. Over the last twelve months, the team have been working with students and staff across the University to understand and establish how to improve the student experience. Part of this work included running user story workshops with students to identify and focus on key task communications.
A pilot rollout including Employ.ed student interns will be running over the summer, delivering task-based communications at the right time, followed by a beta rollout with interested services. This work plays a vital role in aligning to the Personalised Experiences theme of the University’s Web Strategy.
Notifications will be initially be delivered to each recipient’s MyEd page upon login. Work is also ongoing to develop SMS and email channels for specific communications.
If you are interested in taking part in future pilot work or would like further information, please contact the Notifications Service Team: