Successful study at University stems from a partnership between students and staff, and the University is committed to providing you with a learning environment and student services which enable you to fulfil your potential. Underpinning this partnership, the University has a supportive set of regulations, policies and procedures.These, along with the Terms and Conditions, form the contract between you and the University in relation to your studies at the University.Latest version of the Terms and ConditionsThe University’s key documents are on this page - however, there will be other University policies on specific issues, and your School or College may have additional rules, policies and procedures.You should familiarise yourself with these documents, particularly those that are most likely to be relevant to you. Academic Rules, Regulations, Policies and Procedures The University’s Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study set out the structure and content of programmes and courses, along with the degree regulations that apply to them. The Taught Assessment Regulations and Postgraduate Assessment Regulations for Research Degrees set out how assessment operates.Degree Regulations and Programmes of StudyAssessment regulationsThe University has a range of other academic policies, procedures, codes of practice, and guidance. These cover areas such as special circumstances, requirements for the submission of PhD theses, and withdrawal and exclusion from studies.Policies, Regulations and Codes of Practice Plagiarism The University has specific processes for dealing with instances of academic misconduct, including plagiarism and cheating.Academic misconduct (including plagiarism) Academic appeals If you are considering submitting an academic appeal, you are strongly encouraged to get advice from Edinburgh University Students’ Association.Appeals procedureStudents' Association Advice Place - academic appeals Policies and Procedures governing student behaviour All Students must adhere to the University's Code of Student Conduct, and the associated policies.Code of Student ConductThe Support for Study policy offers an alternative to disciplinary action when your behaviour may be affected by health conditions or disabilities. Document Support for Study Policy (657.85 KB / PDF) Other University Rules, Regulations, Policies and Procedures Equality and Diversity Document Accessible and Inclusive Learning Policy (1.03 MB / PDF) Document Student Maternity and Family Leave Policy (694.84 KB / PDF) Library and Computing regulations These regulations govern the use of all library, computing, network and other information services.Information Services regulations Accommodation policies Policies, guidelines, and terms and conditions relating to student accommodation. Note that if you are in student accommodation you will have signed a separate contract with the University.Accommodation policies Tuition fees policies Information about the University’s tuition fee policies, including the University policy on the collection of tuition fees and other charges, and on student debt.Tuition fees - general informationTuition fees - policies on collection of fees and financial difficultyTuition fees - credit balance refunds Email communication It is the University policy to use students’ University email address as an official method of communication. The University will also share your University email address with student representatives (eg class representative). Document Contacting Students by Email Policy (133.8 KB / PDF) How we use information about you Information about how we use personal data about you and who we share it with.Privacy statement for applicantsPrivacy statement for students Learning Analytics Principles and Purposes Students with study visas Tier 4 / Student Visas apply a range of rights, responsibilities and restrictions on students, including requirements to attend and engage with your studies.Rights, responsibilities and restrictions for Tier 4/Student Visa students Tutoring and Demonstrating Many postgraduate research students work part-time as tutors and demonstrators, though the availability of opportunities for tutoring and demonstrating varies between subject areas. The University has a policy setting out how students working as tutors and demonstrators will be supported, and the limits on the number of hours that full-time postgraduate research students can work.Policy for the Recruitment, Support and Development of Tutors and Demonstrators Withdrawal and Exclusion What to do if you wish to leave the University voluntarily, and the circumstances in which a student can be required to leave the University permanently. Document Withdrawal and Exclusion from Studies, Procedure for (171.18 KB / PDF) Complaints procedures You should take the matter up with the area concerned in the first instance, as often problems are resolved more quickly and effectively with those directly involved. If you remain unhappy, you can submit a formal complaint to the University. You can also get useful advice from the Edinburgh University Students’ Association Advice Place.Student Complaint ProcedureStudents' Association Advice Place - Complaints School and College Policies Your School and College may have additional rules, policies, and procedures regarding your programme of studies, or other aspects of University life. These are often communicated via course and programme handbooks or School and College websites.School and College websites Archive versions of regulations, policies and procedures If you require a version of a specific regulation, policy or procedure from a previous academic year, please contact: Got a question? If you need help or advice with any issues regarding the University’s rules, regulations, policies and procedures contact your Personal Tutor, your School’s Student Support Team, the Students’ Association Advice Place, Student Information Point team or the relevant support service.Students' Association Advice PlaceStudent Information Points This article was published on 2024-11-12