Support in a crisis

We can help point you to resources and organisations that can help in the event of a mental health crisis or crime, including sexual assault and harassment.

Resources and contact details if you require help in a crisis, both at the University and around Edinburgh.

Information for students who are admitted to hospital

Seek urgent assistance for an issue within your accommodation

You can use our Report + Support platform to report any forms of bullying, harassment, discrimination or gender-based violence on campus.

If you are in physical danger or in need of immediate medical attention, call the emergency services on 999.

We are here to support survivors of gender based violence, which includes sexual assault, harassment, stalking and domestic abuse. If you’ve experienced gender based violence, learn about the different support channels and what happens if you tell the University.

The University believes that all staff and students should be able to enjoy working and studying at Edinburgh free from any form of bullying, harassment, or discrimination. We expect that all our students and staff will be treated with dignity and respect at all times.

A summary of when staff will attempt to contact your trusted contact

Information for students on the Support for Study policy