Student voice
How we gather and use your feedback to enhance courses and the quality of our degree programmes, the University Student Partnership Agreement and student representation.
Giving Feedback
An interactive illustration of the various student feedback mechanisms and how they relate to each other.
Have Your Say
We want to make sure that you have a great experience at the University of Edinburgh. Through our 'Have Your Say' suggestion box, you can tell us how we can make your experience better: what’s working well and how we can improve.
Student Partnership Agreement
How students and staff at the University work in partnership to enhance the student experience.
Student Surveys
All the data we gather is used to shape future decisions about the full spectrum of areas that make up the student experience.
Student Panel
The University is constantly striving to improve student experience, and the Panel gives students the opportunity to shape this process through feedback and review.
Enhancing your courses
How your feedback helps us enhance the courses we offer.
Enhancing your programme
Get involved in programme review.
Student representation
What student representation is, why it matters and how you can get involved.
Student engagement in learning and teaching
Exploring new ways for students and staff to enhance engagement with learning, teaching and assessment.
Student Voice Policy
The Student Voice Policy outlines the University’s approach to gathering, learning from and responding to the student voice.