Telling the University

It’s always your choice, but you may decide to disclose details of gender based violence to the University and make a formal complaint when the allegation is against a student or University staff member. Staff at the University will always ensure that you have the support that you need.


If you disclose to a member of University staff that you have experienced sexual harassment/ assault (recent or historic), they will:

  • be supportive
  • listen to you
  • talk with you about contacting the Equally Safe team or Advice Place and accessing support
  • send an email to the Equally Safe team, informing them of the situation and confirming any agreements made about support you would like to access

You can also disclose through our Report + Support platform to a trained member of staff. Please click here.

Remaining anonymous

If you want to remain anonymous, and if you do not want to name anyone, then the staff member does not need to identify either of you when emailing the Equally Safe team.

When we do disclose your details

The University, including the Advice Place, will not normally report an allegation of sexual violence to the police without your permission.

However, if the alleged perpetrator of the rape or assault represents a continued threat to you or other members of the University community, it may be necessary for us to breach confidentiality and report the assault to the police.

Any such decision would be taken by the University Secretary following discussion with you and based on legal advice, if needed.

Hearing back

Following your disclosure of sexual violence, you should expect to receive an email from the member of University staff whom you have disclosed the information to, confirming:

  • what was discussed
  • what support was given
  • any decision agreed during the meeting

Make a formal complaint against a student or staff member

Beyond disclosing, if you would like to take formal action against a University of Edinburgh student or staff member, you can do this through the complaints procedure.

Making a complaint to the University (The Advice Place)

Conducting a University investigation

Based on your complaint, the University may decide to conduct an investigation into a breach of student or staff conduct.

Investigations of sexual violence claims