Postgraduate Taught students
Support to help taught postgraduate students to engage quickly and effectively with their studies.
Take a look at our Supporting Taught Postgraduates website for resources to provide support during your programme to help you to achieve academically and take opportunities for career enhancement, and to support you to make and realise successful career decisions.
Supporting Taught Postgraduates
The Institute of Academic Development
The IAD provides a range of study development workshops, self-studying learning resources, skills training, advice, and career development tools, tailored for post graduate students.
We also run online courses covering topics such as academic writing, working with data, statistics, and IT training.
To find out more about the full range of support on offer for Postgraduates please visit our postgraduate student webpages.
Study Hub
Looking for tips or needing some advice on sitting open book exams, completing assessments or a dissertation project?
Aimed at all taught students, the Study Hub blog and learning resource pages have tips, strategies and information for effective studying within a hybrid learning and teaching environment.
It contains advice on specific study skills topics such as managing your time, critical thinking and academic writing, plus downloadable resources with useful study strategies.