Find childcare in or near your place of study. The Kings Buildings offers its own childcare service but there are many registered nurseries across the city of Edinburgh. Find A Nursery by Postcode Visit Scottish Family Information Service Website Kings Buildings and Easterbush Arcadia Nurseries Whether it is cooking and baking in the toddler-friendly kitchen, going on a magical adventure in a treehouse, or simply just having an afternoon snooze, the University’s Arcadia Nursery will provide all this and more for the under-fives. Designed by award-winning architect Malcolm Fraser and inspired by the concept of 'free play'. The nursery for 0-5 year olds will run from 7.30am until 6pm. Arcadia Nursery Innovative design The purpose-built nursery will mix indoor and outdoor play, with children able to move between the spacious, bright building - complete with spaces for music-making, cookery, and soft play - and the specially landscaped garden. Building on research on the importance of outdoor play, the playrooms initially lead to a babies’ garden lined with grassy steps and sensory planting, before giving way to mini-allotments and a water play area for older toddlers. For the more adventurous children an elevated walkway leads to a tree house. All the outdoor areas are supervised by the fully qualified staff. Expert team Based at the University of Edinburgh’s Kings Buildings, Arcadia brings together the long established teams at Uni-Tots Nursery on George Square and the Day Nursery on Dalkeith Road. All food served at the nursery will be benchmarked against Children’s Food Trust guidelines and Food for the Brain standards. Arcadia is for both parents and children. Mums and dads will have their own secure zone on the website, a dedicated Keyworker, and a heated buggy store. Enroll now To find out more or to enrol your children in Arcadia: Visit the Arcadia website This article was published on 2024-11-12