
Find childcare in or near your place of study. The Kings Buildings offers its own childcare service but there are many registered nurseries across the city of Edinburgh.

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Kings Buildings and Easterbush Arcadia Nurseries

Whether it is cooking and baking in the toddler-friendly kitchen, going on a magical adventure in a treehouse, or simply just having an afternoon snooze, the University’s Arcadia Nursery will provide all this and more for thunder-fives. Designed by award-winning architect Malcolm Fraser and inspired by the concept of 'free play'. The nursery for 0-5 year olds will run from 7.30am until 6pm.

Arcadia Nursery

Innovative design

  • The purpose-built nursery will mix indoor and outdoor play, with children able to move between the spacious, bright building - complete with spaces for music-making, cookery, and soft play - and the specially landscaped garden.
  • Building on research on the importance of outdoor play, the playrooms initially lead to a babies’ garden lined with grassy steps and sensory planting, before giving way to mini-allotments and a water play area for older toddlers.
  • For the more adventurous children an elevated walkway leads to a tree house. All the outdoor areas are supervised by the fully qualified staff.

Expert team

  • Based at the University of Edinburgh’s Kings Buildings, Arcadia brings together the long established teams at Uni-Tots Nursery on George Square and the Day Nursery on Dalkeith Road.
  • All food served at the nursery will be benchmarked against Children’s Food Trust guidelines and Food for the Brain standards.
  • Arcadia is for both parents and children. Mums and dads will have their own secure zone on the website, a dedicated Keyworker, and a heated buggy store.

Enroll now

To find out more or to enrol your children in Arcadia:

Visit the Arcadia website