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Cara Syria Programme Support

The Digital Skills and Training team are providing an Introduction to Excel webinar to help with budgeting for research projects as a contribution to the Cara Syria programme on 8th April, 2021.

The Cara Syria programme supports academics who have left Syria during the current conflict to ensure they can fulfil their critical role as educators, and includes a series of webinars relevant to academic researchers and teachers. The programme provides opportunities for Syrian academics to work and continue to grow professionally, so they will be able to help rebuild a better system of higher education when they go back.


The Cara Syria programme is run by Cara (the Council for At-Risk Academics) which was founded in 1933 and supports refugee and other academics displaced as a result of conflict or persecution. Cara was established by a group of British academics, and The University of Edinburgh was a founding member of Cara. You can find more information on this in Edit magazine’s article A lifeline for academics at risk. The University of Edinburgh’s Edinburgh Global also supports Cara. Cara’s goal is the relief or suffering, and the defence of learning and science, and it provides urgently needed help to academics.  


The Digital Skills and Training team are delighted to contribute to the Cara Syria programme as part of our contribution to the wider community and in keeping with our team’s and the University’s values of social responsibility and outreach.