The University launches its first Professional Certificate with edX
The University of Edinburgh Business School has launched a new professional development programme in Digital Marketing Fundamentals, offered through edX.
The Professional Certificate builds on the success of the Introduction to Marketing MOOC, which was originally launched in 2017 and has seen more than 70,000 learners enrol. Learners can choose to take the courses for free or pay to access some interactive content and obtain a certificate.
This two-course programme combines a refreshed and expanded version of the Introduction to Marketing course with a new course in Digital Marketing Strategy, where learners develop skills in creating digital marketing content, building customer personas, and analysing their competitors; culminating in the creation of their own digital marketing strategy.
Both courses use case studies from successful Edinburgh-based business such as Skyscanner, The List and Innis & Gunn to demonstrate how the principals of digital marketing have been applied in real-life business settings.
ISGs Online Course Production team worked in partnership with the Business School to design and produce skills-focused and flexible courses. They are available on-demand, via the edX platform, so that learners can take them at a time and place that most suits them. It builds on the University's partnership with edX that saw the launch of the first MicroMasters in the UK, to further explore new models of delivering online learning.
You can visit the Digital Marketing Fundamentals page here to learn more about the programme and to start the course for free.