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23 Things course wins the MERLOT Instructional and Design Technology Classics Award for 2022

23 Things course wins the MERLOT Instructional and Design Technology Classics Award for 2022

At this year’s OLC Innovate conference, our 23 Things for Digital Knowledge course was awarded the MERLOT Instructional and Design Technology Classics award for its design as an open and self-paced course for digital and online skills.

MERLOT provides access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners and researchers. Its MERLOT Awards program recognises and promotes outstanding online resources designed to enhance teaching and learning and to honour the authors and developers of these resources for their contributions to the academic community. Awards for Exemplary Online Materials are presented to authors of peer- reviewed learning resources.


Merlot classics Awards 2022: 23 Things course wins the MERLOT Instructional and Design Technology


Charlie Farley has created a short video for OLC Innovate and the MERLOT award to explain what the course is, how it was designed, and how it works.


Video: 23 Things for Digital Knowledge: Building digital confidence
Overview of the 23 Things for Digital Knowledge course created by Stephanie (Charlie) Farley.