The ISG Reading Group and anti-racism resources
Within the ISG, we have formed a new an online reading group to discuss books, articles and news stories which influence our work.
The theme of the first reading group was the phenomenon of online shaming, which is particularly relevant in our modern social media world. It is important that we think of these challenges when trying to stay safe online. The topic of the next meeting will be racism and racism in technology. To support this topic, Victoria Madden, Digital Safety Support Officer, and Lilinaz Rouhani, Data and Equality Officer, created a Antiracist Reading List. Colleagues from the Information Services Group at the University of Edinburgh also provided their valuable input.
This resource list however is not exclusive to the reading group; we urge all to utilise these materials as they hold great value.
The reading list includes readings and resources on the following topics:
- Essential Reading
- Inequalities in Tech
- Feminism and Intersectionality
- History and Racism (UK)
- History and Racism (US)
- Autobiography and Memoir
- Fiction by BIPoC Authors
The reading list is not complete and is being updated continually. If you have any suggestions for future group discussion topics or recommended additions to the list contact Lilinaz Rouhani at If you are out with the University and would like to contribute, please send your suggestions to
Access the “live” reading list
Online access to the Reading List (Resource Lists service)
Download the Reading List (pdf)