Student Information Fair

Gain valuable information about starting University and how we will support you throughout your time with us

We would like to invite all new students to McEwan Hall to meet the friendly and wonderful staff and students representing all support and information services that you may consider using throughout your student journey. You will find out more information than what is available online, get opportunities to ask questions and pick up some freebies too. It may be your only chance to physically see all support together in one place. 

The fair format is relaxed and you can take it at your own pace. We recommend having a look at the list of services below before attending to see who is best placed to answer any specific questions you may have at that point. We are all here for you. 

This fair is open during two lunchtimes, 12:00 - 14:00 on both Wednesday 11th September and Thursday 12th September in McEwan Hall on Bristo Square. 

No booking is required to attend either of these events.

There is no difference between the two dates as all student support services (listed below) will be present at both dates. 

Information stalls you can expect to see at this event: 


Filming and photography will be taking place at the Student Information Fair and in the surrounding environments for promotional purposes. The photographs and recordings made are likely to appear on our website.  If you would prefer not to be photographed please let the photographer present know.  For further information please see our privacy statement. 

Photography Privacy Statement