Information Services

Digital Skills and Training

The Digital Skills and Training team provides University level support to develop the digital and information literacy, desktop and IT productivity skills of University staff and students to help them work, research and study more effectively and to support continuing professional development.

Book a place on a course using the Digital Skills Framework

About Digital Skills and Training

Picture of a student studying at a laptop with notebooks and a coffee
Find out more about who we are, what we do and the skills development services we offer to staff and students across the University.

Digital Skills Framework

A computer user using a laptop exploring the DST framework
The University's Digital Skills Framework provides access to over 700 digital resources and training courses to develop your digital skills.

Digital Skills Programme

Our Digital Skills Programme consists of over 140 courses open to staff and students. Our courses run throughout the academic year, and are delivered by trainers and experts from across the University.

Development Programmes and Resources

Image of two users during a computer training course
Find out more about our development programmes, course resources and self-paced courses, as well as pages signposting resources for specific topics.

LinkedIn Learning

Image of white linkedin learning logo on blue background
This page contains information about the University's online learning service, LinkedIn Learning.

Edinburgh Award

Find out more about the two types of digital skills Edinburgh Award available for University of Edinburgh students.

Digital Safety, Wellbeing and Citizenship

A hand typing on a laptop with a global network overlay.
Learn more about digital safety, wellbeing and citizenship and how these issues impact you as a member of the University of Edinburgh community. Find curated resources to help keep you safe and secure while engaging online.

Wikimedian in Residence

Wikipedia and the University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh Wikimedia residency is to facilitate a sustainable relationship between the University and Wikimedia UK to the mutual benefit of both communities through improving knowledge exchange.

Book a training room

A range of bookable facilities for staff and students including training rooms and the uCreate Makerspace.