Edinburgh Imaging

03 Mar 21. Job – Research Fellow

Research Fellow position for British Heart Foundation & Alan Turing Institute funded project “Uncovering retinal microvascular predictors of compromised brain haemodynamics in small vessel disease”.

DEADLINE: 30 March 21
DIRECT APPLICATIONS TO: Applications via UoE jobs site
JOB TITLE: Research Fellow
JOB ID: 264
SALARY: £33,797 to £40,322
DEPARTMENT: CMVM / MGPHS / Usher Institute / Centre of Medical Informatics
CO-PIs: Professor Joanna WardlawDr Miguel O. Bernabeu

Dr Miguel Bernabeu

Chancellor's Fellow, Usher Institute

  • Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics: Centre for Medical Informatics
  • Edinburgh Medical School: Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences

Contact details



The Centre of Medical Informatics at the Usher Institute within The University of Edinburgh is looking for an experienced data scientist to conduct original research as a key member of the British Heart Foundation (BHF)Alan Turing Institute funded project “Uncovering retinal microvascular predictors of compromised brain haemodynamics in small vessel disease” aimed at discovering associations between the compromised brain haemodynamics observed in small vessel disease (SVD)retinal vascular phenotypes derived from optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images.



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Job vacancy: Research Fellow position for British Heart Foundation & Alan Turing Institute funded project “Uncovering retinal microvascular predictors of compromised brain haemodynamics in small vessel disease”.

@SINAPSECENTRE @EdinUniUsher @mobernabeu