Edinburgh Imaging

27 Oct 21. Online learning: Anatomy (neuroanatomy)

Anatomy (neuroanatomy) is a core & elective course in the Edinburgh Imaging Academy’s post-graduate MSc / Diploma programme portfolio. It can also be taken not-for-credit as CPD / CME & suitable for FRCR part 1 training.

Visual pathway: subcortical regions to which the optic nerves project
Visual pathway: subcortical regions to which the optic nerves project

Our online Anatomy (neuroanatomy), (NANA) course teaches the appearances with different imaging modalities of the brain's major lobes & fissures, ventricles & CSF, blood vessel supply, vascular territories, major internal connecting pathways, cranial nerve nuclei & detailed gyral identification.

You can download our syllabus, which includes all the learning objectives for each module & lecture, here:


We offer multiple options for studying Anatomy (neuroanatomy):


We asked Dr Ana Casado, Consultant Neuroradiologist & main tutor for the Anatomy (neuroanatomy) course, to describe the course in more detail:


  • Who is the NANA course aimed at?

    • The neuroimaging anatomy course is aimed at anybody who is interested in learning about the anatomy of the brain, whatever your background is. The course will take you through the basic neuroanatomy as seen on common imaging techniques, & with the help of the supplementary material, course activities & discussion boards you will gain an in depth understanding of the anatomy & function of the different areas of the brain.


  • What can you learn in the NANA course?

    • In this course you will learn to identify the major lobes of the brain on CT & MR, as well as important gyri within each lobe & their functions, & the anatomy of the cranial nerve nuclei. You will also learn about the ventricular system & extraaxial spaces, cerebrospinal fluid physiology, & the vascularisation of the brain. The students who undertake the 20 credit course will also gain a more detailed understanding of the gyral cerebral anatomy & its variations amongst individuals, & will learn to recognise major connecting white matter tracts in the brain & understand their function.


  • What benefits can you get from our online study options?

    • Our online courses allow you to benefit from the advantages of studying in the University of Edinburgh, one of the world’s leading educational institutions, from wherever you are. You have the flexibility to be able to access the course materials & go through the course activities at any time, so you can organise your learning in a way that suits your lifestyle. During the course you will have the opportunity to interact with the rest of the students & with me as your tutor in the course activities & in the discussion boards, so the learning experience will still be interactive & engaging even if we’re not all in person in the same classroom.


  • What outcomes / what can you expect at the end of the NANA course?

    • At the end of the course you will have a thorough knowledge of the brain anatomy as seen on imaging, & will be able to identify the brain lobes & fissures, gyri, cranial nerve nuclei, blood vessels & arterial & venous vascular territories. You will have also gained an understanding of the function of the different areas of the brain. This knowledge will be an essential foundation if you are considering a research career involving neuroimaging, & will also be useful if you are interested in the fields of neuropsycology, neurology or neurosurgery. In any case, learning about the structure of our brain & how our brain works is always a rewarding experience, at the end of the course you will know a little bit more about yourself!


Find out more about our online short course in Anatomy (neuroanatomy) & how to apply, here.



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Anatomy (neuroanatomy) is a core & elective course in the Edinburgh Imaging Academy’s post-graduate MSc / Diploma programme portfolio. It can also be taken not-for-credit as CPD / CME & suitable for FRCR part 1 training.

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