Edinburgh Imaging

04 May 21. Postgrad online learning open day

Find out more about the Edinburgh Imaging Academy's degree programmes & short courses at the University of Edinburgh’s postgraduate online learning open day.

Date & time: Wed 26th May, 13:00 - 14:00
Venue: Online, via Blackboard Collaborate
Registration: Click here for further information

Join Charis Alexakis (our eLearning Facilitator), live for this informative, interactive online session, in which Charis will discuss with you & answer your questions about the following:


Programmesshort courses offered by the Edinburgh Imaging Academy:


Practical questions about:


Edinburgh Imaging Academy pre-induction course:

Prospective & new students can experience the online learning platform in advance. You can preview materials for the programmes & get a flavor of the programmes, before studying with the Edinburgh Imaging Academy:


Supplementary learning opportunities:




The Edinburgh Imaging Academy's online learning open day is just one of many sessions being hosted for postgrads in human, animal & ecosystem health, by The University of Edinburgh.

Date:  26th – 27th May 2021
Registration:  Click here for further information



Social media tags & titles

Find out more about the Edinburgh Imaging Academy's degree programmes & short courses at the University of Edinburgh’s postgraduate online learning open day.

@EdinUniImaging @uoe_online @UoE_Teaching @EdinUniBrainSci @UoEStemCellsMSc @MScCT_ODL @MScIntNeurosci @EdinUniNeuro @EdinDataScience @bmtoEdUni

#OnlineLearning #Postgraduate #Imaging