29 Jul 21. BBC Panorama on Long Covid
The Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE was briefly featured on a recent BBC Panorama episode looking into Long Covid.
BBC One’s recent Panorama episode, ‘Long Covid: Will I Ever Get Better?’ followed BBC correspondent Lucy Adams as she investigated Long Covid.
The episode featured the ‘Edinburgh Long Covid Study’, a UK wide collaboration which aims to explain cognitive impairment in Long Covid & to find out whether the cognitive impairment is associated with an underlying condition.
Edinburgh Imaging is providing the imaging for this study on its MR scanner at the Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE.
We asked Professor Alan Carson, principal investigator for the project, for further information on what they hope to find in the MR neuro scans.
A range of potential causes of memory & other complaints in long covid have been suggested. This of state-of-the-art structural MR imaging in conjunction with detailed clinical examination & biomarkers, will hopefully allow us to unpick the links between different symptoms & different causes. We expect to find a range of causes from neurodegeneration & vascular disease following more severe cases of SARS-Cov 2 infection through to functional disorders & anxiety. We hope that we can demonstrate different clinical presentations associated with different underlying pathophysiological processes.
Please find here, the Panorama episode, ‘Long Covid: Will I Ever Get Better?’, on BBC iPlayer.
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The Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE was briefly featured on a recent Panorama episode looking into Long Covid.
@EdinUniMedicine @AnneRowlClinic @AlanCarson15