23 Nov 21. Job – Post doc research fellow
The Centre for Research into Ageing & the Brain at the University of Edinburgh seeks a post-doctoral medical image analyst.
DEADLINE: 21 Dec 21
DIRECT APPLICATIONS TO: Applications via UoE jobs site
JOB TITLE: Post Doctoral Research Fellow in Medical Image Analysis
JOB ID: 2616
SALARY: Grade 7 (£34,304 - £40,927)
DEPARTMENT: Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences (CCBS)
REPORTS TO: Professor Joanna Wardlaw
The Centre for Research into Ageing & the Brain at the University of Edinburgh seeks an post-doctoral medical image analyst to conduct original research analysing brain imaging from UK Biobank as a key member of MRC DPUK2 Vascular Experimental Medicine studies in Edinburgh, Cambridge & Glasgow.
Disorders of the brain’s blood vessels are a major cause of dementia & can be detected on brain MRI. White matter hyperintensities, perivascular spaces, lacunes, microbleeds & altered subvisible markers on diffusion tensor imaging all are early vascular disease MRI biomarkers for high risk of deterioration in brain health & dementia risk. The research fellow will analyse brain MRI from UK Biobank subjects to assess perivascular spaces & other brain health markers, using longitudinal data where available, & assess rates of change & relationships with risk factors. They will evaluate the findings in other relevant cohorts. The work requires expertise in computational brain MRI analysis of vascular features & multivariate statistical methods. There will be scope to further refine computational methods to measure vascular markers on brain MRI.
The successful candidates will, by the time of appointment, hold a PhD in a relevant discipline, have demonstrable experience in MRI computational image analysis preferably in cerebrovascular disease or dementia, statistical & database management experience, & a track record of published work. Previous experience in studies linking MRI findings with cognitive, functional & neurodegenerative disease outcomes would be advantageous.
Please find further information on the vacancy, here.
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Job vacancy: The Centre for Research into Ageing & the Brain at the University of Edinburgh seeks a post-doctoral medical image analyst.
@EdinUniBrainSci @SVDResearch @SINAPSECENTRE