Crisis or emergency

Information and advice on helping students in an emergency or crisis at home or abroad.

At home

A student may experience an emergency, in the event of a mental health crisis or crime, including sexual assault and harassment. If a student discloses to you that they are experiencing a crisis, please listen to everything the student wants to say, and then make sure they are safe.

During office hours students can access their Student Support Office or Graduate School who will provide reassurance, guidance and advice on next steps.

Information for students here:

Mental Health Crisis

Victim of a Crime

Our work on gender-based violence | The University of Edinburgh

Information for staff here:

Helping distressed students guide

Guidance on Communicating with Student Trusted Contacts | The University of Edinburgh

Student Death Protocol | The University of Edinburgh


Out of hours student support

For emergencies occurring while University offices are closed, students can contact University Security by calling 0131 650 2257.

A member of Security will assist or redirect to the appropriate services.

For students who are Studying or Working Away from the University

Should an emergency occur, whilst a student is studying or working away, students should make contact with their nominated contact at their host university or place of work, and their family. It is important that the student then contacts the University of Edinburgh, either the Exchange Coordinator, Student Adviser, Supervisor or Edinburgh Global.

Out of normal office hours, the University maintains a 24 hour phone line.

Out of hours emergency contact tel: +44 131 650 2257

Related links

University of Edinburgh Insurance Office

FCO Foreign travel advice

EU Student Toolkit