Digital Skills for Student Support Related Staff

Information for student support related staff on developing digital skills within their roles.

The Digital Skills and Training team help develop the digital and information literacy, desktop and IT productivity skills of University staff and students to help them work, research and study more effectively and to support continuing professional development.

Student facing members of staff can assess their digital competence and investigate the range of resources and training opportunities on offer by using the Digital Skills Framework.

Digital Skills Framework

Workshops and training

Alternatively, staff can attend the Developing your Digital Skills Workshop for Staff to start their digital skills development journey

Development your Digital Skills Workshop

Specific digital skills training courses that student support related staff might find interesting include:

The Digital Skills and Training team offer a number of other courses and resources aimed for members of staff. The full list can be found on the Digital Skills and Training team website.

Digital Skills and Training 

The University also offers staff free access to LinkedIn Learning – an online video learning platform with over 13,000 courses taught by industry experts.

LinkedIn Learning