Reporting and support

How to respond to student disclosures of bullying, harassment and discrimination. How and who to report to and who you can refer to for specialised support.

How to report discrimination

It is always the student’s decision to report an incident. There are a range of different reporting services that students can contact.


Report + Support

Students can make a named report on the Report and Support platform, and our Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination Adviser can meet with the student either online or in person to discuss support needs and provide signposting to other services, including the Student Conduct team, Complaints team, The Advice Place, Security and the Police.


Code of Student Conduct & University Complaints

The student can also decide to disclose details of the situation to the University and make a complaint when the allegation is against a student under the Code of Student Conduct or University staff member by making a complaint.


The Advice Place

The Advice Place is run by the Student's Association and is a third-party crime reporting site. If the student is a victim of a crime, they can offer specialised caseworkers to support them.



The University of Edinburgh Security Section provides a 24-hour service across the University estate on every day of the year. Crime Prevention Officers engage with students and staff to inform them about preventing or in the aftermath of a crime. Please call them on 0131 650 2257.


Police Scotland

If a student has experienced a hate crime, we recommend that the police is contacted in the first instance. To report an incident to the police by phone, call 101. If it’s an emergency call 999. If not an emergency, but the student wishes to report something, you can report online


Seeking support

There are a range of different support services that students can contact.


Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination Adviser

The University has specialised intercultural & anti-discrimination support for students. It has a professional adviser experienced in supporting students who are harassed and discriminated against based on age, disability, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or transgender identity.



The Advice Place

The Advice Place is the Advice service for students. We are part of Edinburgh University Students’ Association and offer non-judgmental, confidential and impartial advice on a wide range of topics.

E-mail: or by going into the Advice Place (Potterrow or Kings Building-semester time only)


The Listening Service

The Listening Service offers appointments 9-5pm on weekdays for anyone who would appreciate 'a good listening to'. They offer confidential, non-judgemental listening, to help in times of crisis and links with specialist sources of help (including faith contacts if they wish).

E-mail: or by going into The Chaplaincy Centre