This guidance is for staff across the University who have to organise and chair case conferences discussing complex student situations. A case conference is a multi-service meeting held to discuss a student case. It provides a useful forum for discussion and agree actions to benefit the student. They can be held when there are concerns for a student, before a support for study case is instigated or before a support for study panel meeting. In some cases, the behaviour of a student may not present an immediate crisis but still causes significant concern and require advice and input from more than one of the University's support services. By using this approach, members of staff are supported and protected when dealing with more complex cases by drawing upon the knowledge and expertise of others within the University and also by the sharing of responsibility through consensus decision making. Discussions should take place with reference to relevant University regulations, codes and policies. The decision to hold a case conference can be made by a Senior Tutor or Programme Director, Head of Student Support or other relevant school/deanery staff. Other staff to call a case conference could be the Director of Student Wellbeing, Directors of Student Counselling or Disability & Learning Support Services, Head or Assistant Head of Student Wellbeing Service or Lead Wellbeing Adviser, Director or Heads of Residence Life, Senior Residence Life Coordinator, Senior Policy Adviser, Students. Membership All Schools/Deaneries will have a panel of senior staff who meet regularly to discuss student cases. The panel could include, but is not limited to: Head of Student Support or similar role, Head of Student Administration & Support or similar role, Director of Students, Director of Teaching etc. The Student Adviser, Supervisor, Student Support team member or others involved in the case should be invited to the case conference. Other staff in attendance could be those above plus College office, Chaplaincy, Student Funding or Widening Participation managers. For each case conference, it is important to establish who must attend and from whom the necessary advice/input can be sought without attending. Pre case conference Establish who is chairing the meeting and distribute any relevant documentation before the meeting via email or SharePoint. Schools/Deaneries can determine an appropriate procedure for these meetings that aligns with their staffing, systems, and other local processes. Whatever the agreed procedure, the chair or nominee must keep accurate records of any decisions/referrals made, and share with attendees. If a staff member is unable to make the case conference, please invite them to send their considerations before the meeting. At the case conference Most case conferences will take place on Teams, sometimes in person. If you are in a shared office, please make sure you have a headset or private space (if possible) to maintain confidentiality. The chair should welcome all in attendance and introductions should be made. A short background summary of the situation should be given, using any relevant documentation sent in the invite. Areas to be covered in the meeting could include, but are not limited to: academic study & progression, mental health & wellbeing, finance, accommodation and support within and outside the University; whether GP needs to be contacted and Trusted Contacts Guidance to be used. Attendees should give summaries relating to the case from their areas in turn. The chair should invite evaluations of the information given and open discussion to all. Staff should consider whether any further information is required, and assign an action. Staff could decide if the information should be shared outwith the case conference attendees. Actions should be assigned to attendees, and agreement on whether a follow up conference is required. Thank all for attending and close the meeting. Note of the meeting to be sent to all attendees. This article was published on 2024-11-12