University can be a challenging for all students at times, but it can be more challenging for students who self-identify as LGBTQ+ This page provides information on supporting staff to create a positive and inclusive environment for all students. The University of Edinburgh is committed to creating an environment where diversity is celebrated and everyone is treated fairly, regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or transgender status. Equality and Diversity There are many identities which fall under the LGBTQ+ umbrella including, but not limited to, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex and asexual. The Trans Equality Policy outlines the support and advice the University can offer to both students and staff who are undergoing any form of gender reassignment. Trans Equality Policy If you would like advice on how to best support LGBTQ+ students, you can contact the Staff Pride Network at Support for Students Students can access Pridesoc on their Facebook page: pridesocED - Facebook The University’s Students’ Association has Liberation Campaigns, each with an elected Officer, that exist to advocate for marginalised students, create safer communities, and increase wellbeing. LGBTQ+ students can engage with the campaign at any point through their time here for guidance. They also have a Facebook group open to all self-identifying LGBTQ+ students. EUSA Liberation Campaign edunilgbtstudents - Facebook Trans and Non-Binary students can also contact the new Liberation Campaign or join the Facebook group. EUSA Trans & Non-Binary Officer edunitransandnonbinary - Facebook The two Liberation Campaigns are far from mutually exclusive and students are encouraged to find community, guidance and resources within both. Both groups are very active and a great way for students to meet others with similar experiences and from a range of different backgrounds. EUSA also offers LGBTQ+ Peer Mentoring which gives students the opportunity to talk with a trained LGBTQ+ peer mentor who may have experienced similar issues. They also have a Facebook page: LGBTQ+ Peer Mentoring LGBTQPeerMentoringED - Facebook The Advice Place can also help support and direct students to other resources. The Advice Place External Organisations providing support External organisations which provide support and advice for people identifying as LGBTQ+ include: LGBT.Scot - provides a directory of services, social spaces, clubs, and queer-friendly places. The Equality Network - outlines esources and potential for getting involved in activism. LGBT Health & Wellbeing LGBT Youth (for people up to 25 years) Stonewall Scotland This article was published on 2024-11-12