Critical Student Welfare Procedure

The University procedure for out of hours emergency situations

The Critical Student Welfare Incident Procedure outlines the approach to be followed during a critical/emergency student welfare incident outwith normal working hours (5pm- 9am, across Saturday and Sunday and over University closure periods) for students who are not normally resident in University accommodation.  This for Security staff and Senior Managers in Student Experience Services. 

The purpose of the procedure is to ensure that students experiencing a crisis receive appropriate support delivered in a prompt, effective, coordinated and humane manner. Support may at times be extended to others including family and friends (who may or may not be students) of the student/s concerned. Appropriate interventions are likely to include referrals; liasiing with Police Scotland, NHS or other external agencies, managing and delivering situation dependent interventions including case management; providing information, advice and guidance.    

This procedure includes private phone numbers so is not available for staff.