
Equality and Diversity

The University of Edinburgh recognises the array of amazing and diverse individuals who are involved with the University and make us such a great place to work and study.

To ensure everyone is treated fairly and provided with equal opportunities learning and development, resources and guidance can be found through the Equality and Diversity pages. 

Equality and Diversity

For further information and local advice, contact your Equality and Diversity Coordinator.

Equality and Diversity coordinators


Respect at Edinburgh

The University has a zero tolerance stance towards any form of bullying and harassment.  The Respect at Edinburgh web hub has been created to bring together information and guidance on the Dignity & Respect policy, the processes for raising and addressing concerns, and the support and training available.

Respect at Edinburgh 



Additional Resources

For more resources and to develop your own awareness of support for disabled students, please visit the Training Available for Staff page.

Training Available for Staff