Have Your Say

We want to make sure our students and staff have a great experience at the University of Edinburgh. Through our 'Have Your Say' suggestion box, you can tell us how we can make staff or student experience better: what’s working well and how we can improve.

All of your suggestions will be taken into consideration, with answers and improvements being posted periodically below.

Submit a suggestion


Emergency Help

Please do not use this form in an emergency as it is not checked outside working hours. Please contact our trained support staff on 0131 650 2257 or visit edin.ac/crisis-support.

Responses to your comments and suggestions

Below are answers to the suggestions we have received via the Have Your Say suggestion box. We have taken all of the recently submitted questions, split these into themes, and collated answers for the most pressing topics.

Human Resources

Teaching and Learning

Health and Wellbeing 

 Equality and diversity
