Academic Development and Study Skills

Students will usually receive all they need to succeed in their studies from their Programme and their School. However, some students may seek additional guidance. This page recommends sources of further advice and support.

Support offered through Schools

If a student has questions about a particular piece of work, it is best to advise them to contact their Course Organiser. The names and contact details for Course Organisers can be found in Course Handbooks or on the Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study (DRPS) listing for the Course.

Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study (DRPS)

For general academic advice and guidance, students should contact their Student Adviser or Student Support Team.  

Learning strategies and workshops

For additional advice and support to help develop effective learning strategies, students can access a range of services provided by the Institute for Academic Development.

The Institute for Academic Development website

For online learning resources, templates and advice, students and staff can visit Study Hub webpages and blog. The resources cover topics such as time management, academic writing and studying for exams.

University of Edinburgh Study Hub

Students can book also onto a study development workshop.

Undergraduate study skills workshops

Postgraduate taught students workshops

If you feel that the student would benefit from one-to-one advice, you can suggest they book a Study Skills Consultation with an IAD Study Development Advisor. These one-to-one sessions help students to learn and study more effectively by helping them to develop study strategies and enhance current study skills. The consultations last half an hour. For further information and to find how to book an appointment, students should be directed to the following pages.

Study skills consultations for undergraduates

Study skills consultations for postgraduates

(Note that that Study Development Advisors cannot proofread or edit individual pieces of work or give subject specific guidance. Students can bring examples of feedback to help reflect on academic work).

Additional Support Services for Students

You can also direct students to the Student’s Association Advice Place for guidance and support.

EUSA Advice Place: Academic advice

You might also suggest that students check out the support available from Peer Assisted Learning Schemes (PALS)

Peer Learning and Support

If the student’s first language is not English, you can signpost to the Effective English learning study packs provided by English Language Education (ELE) (EASE login required):

Effective English Learning study packs

If you feel you need to, or are requested to give a student extra assistance, it is important to help within the boundaries of what you feel competent to do.

Use the following guide:

Helping Distressed Students Guide

If you are worried about a distressed student, you can encourage them to self-refer to Student Counselling Service

Student Counselling Service

Further information on when and how to share in an emergency situation can be found here:

Sharing Information in an Emergency Situation