Information on what to do if a student is involved in, or reports a crime. A student has a regulatory obligation to inform the University if they are charged with or convicted of certain crimes. Details of the relevant criminal offenses, and what the University does with these declarations, can be found here: Criminal Offence Declarations If a student wishes to report a crime, they should call 999 for emergencies, and 101 for less urgent issues. University Security can also be contacted by students for out-of-hours assistance (but you should make the student aware that University Security do not replace the role of the emergency services) University Security The Advice Place can offer help and support to students who wish to report crimes. They are also a Third Party Reporting site, meaning they can report hate crimes for a student and explain what will happen next. The Advice Place Students who are experiencing distress as a result of being charged with or being the victim of a crime can be signposted to the Chaplaincy and the Student Counselling Service for support. Chaplaincy Student Counselling Service This article was published on 2024-11-12