Equally Safe: support for those who have experienced forms of gender-based violence (GBV)

These webpages provide information about the Equally Safe Team and how to contact us, resources you can to refer to if you would rather not contact us directly, and guidance on the Report + Support platform. 

These webpages and links contain information relating to domestic abuse, violence, sexual abuse, and controlling behaviour. Some people may find this information upsetting and there are sources of support outlined on these webpages if you need it.

About us

Equally Safe are a specialist team in the University Wellbeing Service who offer support for anyone who has been affected by sexual violence and other forms of current or historic gender-based violence. 

Find out more

What is gender-based violence?

Access services and additional emergency support

If you are in physical danger or in need of immediate medical attention, call the emergency services on 999. 

Follow this guidance if you are in an emergency situation and need help from the police, but can’t speak.

Find out who to contact if you need support in a crisis:

Support in a crisis

Support services 

Contact the Equally Safe Team

Contact the Equally Safe Team

To access confidential support contact:
