Getting support from the University

Find out how you can get support from the Equally Safe Team.

The Equally Safe specialist gender-based violence team is available Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 5pm.

Contact us

Once you've contacted us

After you have contacted us directly or via a trusted source, a member of the team will:

  • Contact you within two working days (urgent referrals will be prioritised)
  • Offer to meet with you in person, online, or talk with you on the telephone
  • Offer you the same case worker, with other specialist team members available to provide ongoing support, should your case worker be unavailable
  • Discuss and negotiate the most appropriate type of ongoing support, and the frequency and safest form of communication
  • Help to assess your safety and wellbeing and provide emotional and practical support. The number of sessions offered are not time limited and this will be fully discussed and reviewed with you, taking into account your individual circumstances
  • Support you to identify your key priority needs and access information on specialist support agencies and services, both within and beyond the University
  • Provide information and guidance on your options for making a complaint or report to the University or police, should you wish to. We can also facilitate informal meetings and discussions with both the Police Scotland Public Protection Team and the University’s Student Conduct Team
  • Offer to link you in with external services appropriate to your needs

Report + Support platform

You can use our online platform to report instances of gender based violence, or look for support. Please visit Report and Support | The University of Edinburgh