Alumni Services

March 2017

This month's collection of alumni all had positive experiences at Edinburgh, which they credit with helping them in both their subsequent professional and personal lives.

George Ashley

George Ashley




George Ashley tells us how his PhD prepared him for working life, and gives students advice on taking advantage of the University’s many opportunities.

Read George Ashley's profile

My experiences at Edinburgh provided me with an academic and pragmatic knowledge base which has proved invaluable to my travels, allowing me to help other researchers and organisations.

George Ashley

Mathilde Bordet-Volay

Mathilde Bordet-Volay

Mathilde Bordet-Volay tells us how her Erasmus year at Edinburgh fulfilled a childhood dream to live in Scotland.

Read Mathilde Bordet-Volay's Profile

Make the most of your time... you may think the years at university last for a long time but they don’t: you only have a short time to take part in such a high-spirited life. 

Mathilde Bordet-Volay

Hamish Halls

Hamish Halls

Hamish Halls' decision to switch from Chemistry to Philosophy after his first year proved to be the right one. He explains why and vividly remembers life as an Edinburgh student in the 1960s.

Read Hamish Halls' profile

I spent my days in a noble and ancient building with fine libraries and within easy walking distance of the Union, where I met students from many subject areas who helped to broaden my horizons.

Hamish Halls

Liam Kerr

Liam Kerr

Liam Kerr has built a richly varied CV while also pursuing musical and other interests. Recently elected to the Scottish Parliament, he says the skills he learned in his degree have stood him in good stead.

Read Liam Kerr's profile

My experience at Edinburgh was overwhelmingly positive, and what sticks in my mind the most are the opportunities afforded by university life.

Liam Kerr

Konstantina Tziava

Konstantina Tziava

Konstantina Tziava’s interest in Edinburgh was sparked by a phone call; years later she still credits her time at the University with shaping the person and teacher she has become.

Read Konstantina Tziava's profile

The city, the University, the professors, the people I met, the strangers in the streets I encountered – believe me, I could go on for ever - made my stay and my studies there unforgettable and priceless. 

Konstantina Tziava

Send us your profile

We are interested in the role that the University has played in your life, either directly - in terms of skills and knowledge - or indirectly, via friends, experiences or chance encounters. Please get in touch and you and your experiences could feature on our website.