June 2014 | Alumni Profiles
Inspiring alumni wisdom from this month's fabulous five. From smashing glass ceilings to seizing opportunities, our graduates prove that there is no limit to what you can achieve with an Edinburgh education.
We are interested in the role that the University has played in your life, either directly - in terms of skills and knowledge - or indirectly, via friends, experiences or chance encounters.
Please get in touch and you and your experiences could feature on our website.
Oliver Ellis loves a good story and has a knack for what kids like to watch. He tells us how he has combined the two to carve out a fulfilling career.
From Hull to Head of the Law School, Lesley McAra tell us how a love affair with Edinburgh when she was a student meant she never left.
Shelagh McGuire tells us how she immersed herself in Economics, became a member of numerous societies, met her future husband and began a dynasty of Edinburgh graduates.
Susan McVie’s decision to switch from a science degree to studying Law at Edinburgh proved to be life changing. She tells us why.
Vasiliki Papadopoulous approached life as an Edinburgh student with passion and gusto - an attitude she now applies to her working life in Public Affairs in Ontario, Canada.
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