Alumni Services

Publication date

We have been publishing alumni profiles on the website since August 2012. Read about graduates from all aspects of life and their experiences at the University.

November 2021

This month's selection of alumni are all looking to the future. Through returning to study, changing career paths, and taking social action each is moving forward in their lives in a positive way.

September 2021

Ondrej Bohac
The theme of this month's profiles is journeys. From travelling to pastures new to taking careers detours, and to finding yourself back where it all began, these five alumni show us the twists and turns of life after graduation.

October 2021

Leonie Beck
This month's selection of alumni have all followed career path with the environment and sustainability firmly in mind. Find out how they are striving to play their part in tackling green issues and climate change.

August 2021

Aleksandra Kovač
Composing film scores, writing novels and developing skincare products are some of the destinations that this month's alumni found themselves at after a few twists in their career journeys.

July 2021

Michael Iveson
From 2020 graduates making the most of a challenging world, to retired graduates returning to education, our alumni community is richly varied - as this month's profiles show.

June 2021

Rhianna Tweedie in her football kit
This month's alumni all share a passion for their chosen career paths that weren't always what they had intended, and they tell us how Edinburgh was central to taking them there.

May 2021

Graham Dodds
Changing career paths, trying something new and a sense of community are the themes coming through in this month's alumni profiles.

April 2021

Chioma Ezegwu
With our open days for prospective online learners scheduled for 26 and 27 May, we hear from four recent graduates who studied for their postgraduate degrees from their homes around the world.

March 2021

Niels Peters Williams
Themes of travel, society, healthcare and changing paths come through in this month's selection of alumni stories.

February 2021

John Davison
This month's profiled alumni come from various backgrounds and fields but they all share a desire to contribute to their communities, from news reporting in war-torn zones to inspiring the next generation of scientists in the Caribbean.