Staff news 2015

Staff news articles published in 2015.

18/12/15 - Winter shutdown: how to help save energy

17/12/15 - Shared parental leave policy enhanced

16/12/15 - Launch of reward calculator

08/12/15 - Closure of Forth Road Bridge

07/12/15 - University Christmas Craft Fair

04/12/15 - Welcome event for academics and researchers

02/12/15 - Lifetime Achievement Award for Professor Peter Sandercock

01/12/15 - Susan Kivlin (1966-2014)

30/11/15 - Free Gaelic taster course open to staff

30/11/15 - Prestigious award for Edinburgh surgeon

30/11/15 - Labs given green award

26/11/15 - Mentor/mentee applications invited

24/11/15 - Work begins on new student residences

24/11/15 - Short courses – January 2016

18/11/15 - Christmas lights switch-on

18/11/15 - Paid social science studies open to staff

17/11/15 - Autumn Bulletin magazine out now

16/11/15 - Staff Humanist Group

10/11/15 - Appointment: Chris Cox

09/11/15 - Help our students grow their careers

03/11/15 - Remembrance Day Service

02/11/15 - Christmas closure 2015

16/10/15 - Gaelic festival launches city-wide

13/10/15 - Court meeting: 21 September 2015

05/10/15 - Equality award success

05/10/15 - Careers Service wins presitigious award

29/09/15 - Applications open for Innovation Initiative Grants

29/09/15 - Appointment: Robert Henderson

28/09/15 - Appointment: Tharmalingam Ratnarajah

24/09/15 - Researchers support Explorathon

24/09/15 - Appointment: Sadegh Khochfar

23/09/15 - Appointment: Paolo Perona

18/09/15 - Chancellor's winners announced

16/09/15 - Update on HE Governance (Scotland) Bill

15/09/15 - Appointment: Steven Caldwell

14/09/15 - Appointment: Mark Inall

11/09/15 - Appointment: Angela Thomas

07/09/15 - Senate to discuss learning and teaching

17/08/15 - Short courses: staff discount

14/08/15 - Voucher Reward Scheme

14/08/15 - Appointment: Lewis Ritchie

13/08/15 - Tickets available

13/08/15 - Appointment: Colin Mathers

12/08/15 - Appointment: Alexis Grohmann

12/08/15 - Free varsity rugby tickets

06/08/15 - Appointment: Juliet Kaarbo

06/08/15 - Appointment: Andrew Farrall

06/08/15 - Staff development workshops

05/08/15 - Appointment: Louise Jackson

05/08/15 - Appointment: Elizabeth Bomberg

04/08/15 - Appointment: Michela Massimi

03/08/15 - Appointment: Andrew Elder

03/08/15 - Central Area route changes

28/07/15 - Tax-Free Childcare delayed

27/07/15 - Women's leadership initiative

24/07/15 - Staff LGBT network steering group

23/07/15 - Student experience, learning and teaching

23/07/15 - Principal's Medals awarded

14/07/15 - Divestment plan

13/07/15 - Appointment Catrin Tilley

13/07/15 - Court meeting: 22 June 2015

13/07/15 - Appointment: Lewis Allan

13/07/15 - National employer award for IAD

08/07/15 - Summer 2015 Edit published

08/07/15 - New Postgraduate Guide

06/07/15 - European policy website launched

30/06/15 - University's nursery 'best education building'

30/06/15 - University and EUSA win green accolades

25/06/15 - Professor named Impact Champion

24/06/15 - University and SRUC joint statement

23/06/15 - Internships for PhD students

17/06/15 - Summer housekeepers needed

11/06/15 - Childcare vouchers: register now

02/06/15 - Catering wins sustainability award

29/05/15 - Senate to discuss learning and teaching

27/05/15 - Court meeting: 11 May 2015

26/05/15 - Divestment intent signalled

19/05/15 - Anniversary tributes

12/05/15 - New induction resources

07/05/15 - Childcare vouchers: important changes

29/04/15 - Bulletin magazine out now

23/04/15 - Strategic Vision 2025 now online

17/04/15 - Childcare vouchers: changes ahead

17/04/15 - Sustainability Awards ticket news

15/04/15 - Electric bike scheme launches

02/04/15 - Enterprise Awards open for entries

02/04/15 - Ethical catering challenge met

12/03/15 - Senate nominations sought

12/03/15 - Sustainability Awards: deadline nears

06/03/15 - Award for student-designed course chooser

04/03/15 - Awards nominations open

03/03/15 - RSE Fellows named in all colleges

03/03/15 - Key human genetics appointment

03/03/15 - Peer support guide now online

25/02/15 - Research impact online

25/02/15 - Creative & Cultural Careers Festival

25/02/15 - Students seek food bank donations

24/02/15 - New College Registrar

23/02/15 - Fairtrade Fortnight 2015

20/02/15 - Institutional review consultation

19/02/15 - Spotlight on women in science

13/02/15 - Dive in to ILW2015

12/02/15 - Steve Morrison confirmed as Rector

10/02/15 - Childcare voucher changes

10/02/15 - Internal Subject Review

06/02/15 - Annual Review now online

29/01/15 - Candidates for Rector to debate aims

26/01/15 - Newton Fellowships awarded

26/01/15 - Award for recycling pioneer

23/01/15 - Relocation support enhanced

21/01/15 - Community engagement on agenda

20/01/15 - Ethical efforts recognised

20/01/15 - Rector candidates announced

19/01/15 - Mentors/mentees sought

16/01/15 - ILW2015 booking opens

15/01/15 - Leaver's checklist available

15/01/15 - Senate Committees update

13/01/15 - Chance to 'get connected'

09/01/15 - Roadshows to focus on learning and teaching

09/01/15 - Update for USS members

08/01/15 - Early-career research event

06/01/15 - New Year Honours for staff

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