Your digital bulletin
Although the current situation means we won’t be printing any paper versions of bulletin in the near future, we feel more than ever that a staff magazine has a role to play in keeping us connected with each other, sharing stories and maintaining our sense of community.
We want to use this piece of the web to share uplifting stories, interesting features and community tales from anyone who wants to share them with us. So please, send us your pet pictures, send us your daily wins to keep you motivated with work, send us your wackiest lunch concoctions, send us your home workout tips, send us your book recommendations, whatever you like. Let’s keep talking to each other and making sure we’re all ok.
Visit your new digital bulletin magazine:
Previous issues
A selection of previous editions of bulletin are archived online (requires a PDF viewer such as Adobe Reader).
How to contribute
Bulletin contains interviews, profiles, features and news pages to keep you up to date with who’s who and what’s what at the University.
If you would like to submit an idea, tell us about news or events, or be added to our distribution list, please contact us at the email address below.