Advanced Care Research Centre

Talks on Technology

Prof. Tughrul Arslan has spoken at two recent events.

In October, he presented at the third Annual Symposium of Singapore Management University: Centre for Research on Successful Ageing (ROSA). Tughrul spoke at the session on Ageing-in-Place. Bruce Guthrie, Director of the ACRC, spoke at their Symposium last year.

Presenters at recent talk on ageing in place

The focus of this session was how the built environment can support successful and inclusive ageing, and what can be done to further integrate the different living spaces of older adults to improve their health and well-being. He spoke alongside Professor Ursula Staudinger, President of the Dresden University of Technology, Dr Tan Shin Bin, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, and Dr Wan Chen K Graham, Deputy Director of the Agency for Integrated Care (Singapore). There were over 330 attendees, from 40 different organisations gathered.

Tughrul's presentation covered the data driven integrated sensing system we are developing at ACRC for independent living based care as well as personalised AI driven sensing systems to enhance the independence of dementia sufferers. A full description and summary of the session can be found here.

Then, the next week, Tughrul spoke at the Edinburgh Innovations Seminar on Explore HealthTech, presenting to industry bodies. His keynote presentation was on digital health, specifically medical devices: AI and data driven integrated sensing platforms for Care and Assistive Living. The seminars all lead into AIMDay Health tech expo in Edinburgh next year.