Advanced Care Research Centre

Academy Student seeks interviews with health and care professionals for research study

Chris Lochhead, PhD student, is looking for doctors, nurses, care workers, OTs, physios with professional experience of older adults to support his research.

Read more below, to find out if you can help his important research


Chris Lochhead


If you’re seeing this you are someone who could be potentially interested in taking part in my research study. I’ll give a brief description and for anyone interested please reach out and I can send further documents and details!

Basic overview:          

  • This project is developing an at-home camera monitoring system to assess the health of older adults through their gait information using novel machine learning methods.
  • It will be deployed in the homes of older adults, namely those who live at home, in most cases those who live alone.
  • Part of this research is carrying out a series of semi-structured informal interviews with medical professionals from various fields to gather insights from the medical community about the effectiveness and feasibility of this technology.


Who I’m looking for:

  • Doctors who work with older adults in some capacity (GP’s, Geriatricians, etc)
  • Care workers
  • Nurses who work with older adults (District nurses, care home nurses)
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational therapists


What you’ll need to do:

  • Attend one interview that will last approximately 30-35 minutes. This can be done either remotely, or if you live in the central belt I can come to a place of your choosing.
  • Listen to a brief presentation outlining the research and the system prototype, before answering a series of questions to gauge your opinion and thoughts on the project.
  • Agree to allow your answers and opinions to be transcribed for potential research publishing.


Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon!

Kind regards,
