Methodological challenges in research on physical-mental health multimorbidity
On 7th Feb, the Usher Institute is hosting an event looking at methodical challenges around multimorbidity research.
Hosted by our Director, Prof. Bruce Guthrie, we encourage you to attend this event. The programme is below, and for further details, and to register, click here.
09:15 Platform opens for attendees to log in
09:30 Welcome & overview - Bruce Guthrie, The University of Edinburgh
Session 1 – Measuring multimorbidity
09:50 Talk 1: Variation in the definition and measurement of multimorbidity in research - Iris Ho, The University of Edinburgh
10:00 Talk 2: How to operationalize physical and mental health conditions using routine records - Regina Prigge, The University of Edinburgh
10:10 Talk 3: How to efficiently harmonise data across different birth cohorts for multimorbidity research - Jorge Arias de la Torre, King's College London
10:20 Questions and discussion
10:40 Break
10:55 Talk 4: Defining depression in health datasets - Kelly Fleetwood, The University of Edinburgh
11:05 Talk 5: Pooled cohort data: challenges and remedies to temporal variability in depression measurements and its consequence for multimorbidity trajectory - Alexandru Dregan, King's College London
11:15 Questions and discussion
Session 2 – Methods for clustering and trajectories
11:30 Talk 6: A comparison of methods for identifying multimorbidity patterns - Amy Ronaldson, King's College London
11:40 Talk 7: Modelling trajectories of disease in multimorbidity for the population of Wales - Rhiannon Owen, Swansea University
11:50 Talk 8: On clustering of multiple long term conditions: what can we do more with machine learning? - Sohan Seth, The University of Edinburgh
12:00 Questions and discussion
12:20 Break
12:30 Chaired panel discussion
Chair: Caroline Jackson, The University of Edinburgh
Panel: Alexandru Dregan, Bruce Guthrie, Rhiannon Owen
12:50 Closing remarks - Bruce Guthrie
13:00 Close