Advanced Care Research Centre

ACRC and AGE-WELL develop global link

The ACRC forged new links with colleagues across the Atlantic in a series of meetings last week.

Representatives from the ACRC met with AGE-WELL, a Canadian technology and ageing network.

Across two days of meetings, a variety of topics were covered, including student training, technology, PPIE and the use of data.

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Academy Director Ian Underwood attended in person, with other ACRC colleagues from a variety of specialities joining online.

AGE-WELL has a similar purpose to ACRC, seeking to develop technologies and services for healthy ageing whilst also training the next generation of innovators in this field.

Professor Bruce Guthrie, Director of the ACRC led the delegation, and he said:

“An ageing population is a global challenge, and opportunities to share knowledge across nations helps knit together similar strands of research and PhD training.

The AGEWELL line of work closely mirrors our own, and it is fascinating to see areas where there are differences and similarities.”

Professor Alex Mihailidis, Scientific Director and CEO of AGE-WELL, said:

“Many countries are currently looking at technology and innovation to support healthy ageing.

It is important to identify opportunities for collaboration and exchange of best practices internationally. We are thrilled to deepen our partnership with ACRC to this end.” 


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Lab photos courtesy of 

The Kite Research Institute - UHN, Toronto