New Students

Adapting to Edinburgh

Moving to a new country, possibly for the first time, can be daunting for some and exciting for others. Researching Edinburgh and the Scottish culture before you arrive will help you to understand what to expect when you get here.

When you arrive, it may take time to settle into your new surroundings. It is important to remember that thousands of students are in the same situation as you and will understand any concerns you may have in adapting to your new home.

Making new friends, staying active, joining clubs and societies, eating healthy food, and staying in touch with your family and friends back home will all help you to adjust to your new way of life.

Support Networks

There are plenty of support networks and opportunities available to help you make Edinburgh your new home:

Edinburgh Global website

The University of Edinburgh's International Women's Club

Be a Global Buddy

Exploring the city and attending events will help you feel part of the Edinburgh and University community:

Edinburgh University Students’ Association

Things to do in Edinburgh

If you want to talk about how you're feeling about arriving in a new place, the University has several services that can help, depending on your needs:

The Advice Place

The Chaplaincy

Student Counselling

Reflections and advice from our students:

It took me about half a year, six months, to actually settle, and now I feel like Edinburgh is like my second home

I adapted to life here by basically making friends. If you make friends, you know that you won’t be lonely; even if you’re feeling out of place, you know you have people to go to

Culture Shock Videos

Hear from current University of Edinburgh students sharing their experiences, insights and top-tips on moving to Edinburgh.

Moving to Edinburgh

Video: Culture Shock - Moving to Edinburgh
Hear from current students sharing their insights and experiences about the biggest culture shocks they faced when moving to Edinburgh for the first time. This video has been created by the Pre-Arrival and Induction Team, to help new students get off to a great start at University.

 Food and drink in Edinburgh

Video: Culture Shock - Food and drink in Edinburgh
Hear from current students sharing their recommendations, top tips and favourite places to go for food and drink in Edinburgh! This video has been created by the Pre-Arrival and Induction Team, to help new students get off to a great start at University.

Navigating Welcome Week as a Postgraduate Student

Video: Culture Shock - Navigating Welcome Week as a Postgraduate Student
Hear from postgraduate students sharing their insights and experiences about they navigated Welcome Week, what opportunities they took advantage of and how they made new friends. This video has been created by the Pre-Arrival and Induction Team, to help new students get off to a great start at University.