2 x Post-Doc Job Opportunities (033340)
Three PostDoc positions are now available for the EPSRC funded project on Compressed Sensing in MRI (Davies, Marshall, Wardlaw, Wiaux).
Two of them are within the UoE, with one post focused on signal processing algorithms and the other on MRI implementation.
The team will generate proof-of-principle for a new family of Compressed Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CQ-MRI) schemes combining model-based compressed sensing (CS) with the recently proposed Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) acquisition philosophy. This represents a radically new approach to rapid quantitative MRI that can provide simultaneous acquisition of multiple parameter maps, offering the potential to substantially accelerate and improve on the original MRF imaging scheme.
The project aims include (i) the design and optimization of acquisition sequences; (ii) the definition of enhanced signal models and image reconstruction algorithms; (iii) implementation and validation on state-of-the-art MRI scanners.
Candidates should have a PhD in electrical engineering, computer science, or a related numerate discipline. Strong competence in signal processing is required, preferably with experience in compressed sensing theory and/or magnetic resonance imaging.
Closing date: 25th June 2015
The positions should start ideally by 1st September, 2015.
It is recommended to contact Prof Davies (mike.davies@ed.ac.uk), Prof Marshall (Ian.Marshall@ed.ac.uk) or Dr Wiaux (y.wiaux@hw.ac.uk) for informal enquiries prior to a formal application.
For application details see our websites at www.ed.ac.uk/jobs (UoE, Ref 033340) and www.hw.ac.uk/jobs (HWU).